its getting complicated right now. he left me for the second times because i fell in love with someone else. i just like that guy, but still...i have a very strong feelings for him
i regret yesterday when you were chasing me but then i refused...i keep telling him to stay away, even though i still love him. but everything has changed since he fell in love with another person...
he stopped texting me, i knew it before he told me that he had move on. it breaks my heart, i swear. and now he is the one who push me away from his life. well, i've never wanted him to stay away from me even though i have a crush on someone, because i knew he loves me thats why i wont hurt him and he told me that he'll loves me forever.
im still curious about that girl, now he's gone without regret. it's not him leaving me that could drive me insane, but its him....loving someone else more than he loved me. i just cant get over him. ive been trying so hard to stop thinking about him for several months but i keep falling for the same patterns.
le, if you are reading this....
i just want you to know that how many times i tried to kill me feelings, i always end up crying because the voices in my head keeps telling me that i still love you. its okay if youre moving on, but please...never forget with our promises. because i know sooner or later you will never come back, but please...never forget me. our beautiful memories. i love you more than i love myself.
p.s. i will always love you
toodles! ,
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
wish you were here :'''
I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl
who gives a shit
behind this wall
You've just walked through it
And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
I love the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say like it is
And the truth is that I really miss
All those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
(let go let go let go let go)
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
(let go let go let go let go let go let go let go)
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here (I wish you were)
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here
Toodles! ,
I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl
who gives a shit
behind this wall
You've just walked through it
And I remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
I love the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say like it is
And the truth is that I really miss
All those crazy things you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
(let go let go let go let go)
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
(let go let go let go let go let go let go let go)
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here (I wish you were)
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here
Toodles! ,
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011
9 Oktober 2011 ♥
Alhamdulillah hari ini tanggalnya bagus:) gue harusnya hari ini setahunan sama faiz....yaudahlah ya
Gue mau sedikit cerita....
Waktu mau soulnation kan gue nungguin temen gue di ps biar bisa barengan kan. Itu tanggal 24 sept kalo ga salah. Terus ada gio, temennya faiz. Gue ngobrol2 kan nah dia narik2in gue ke pohon. Feeling udh gaenak nih, asli gue nolak tapi dia maksa "sha, ayolah dia beli tiket soulnation+lmfao demi ketemu sama lo!" Yaudah deh gue nurut
Pas di pohon udeh tuh ada faiz dan brocode, gue duduk jauh banget kan dari faiz. Kita diem2an udeh abis gue dicengin kan. Terus faiz tiba2 duduk sebelah gue, dia bilang minta maaf lah apalah segala macem bilang dia nyesel ninggalin gue. Gue juga kasian sih abis temennya ngadu terus ke gue kalo faiz di kelas keinget gueeee terus, nangisin gue terus. Dia kalo lagi ngablu juga nangisin/nginget gue. Gue sih yakin dia masih sayang sama gue. Gue kan awal2 jawabnya nyolot kan yaudah kita kaya temen biasa kaya baru kenal lah
Terus pas otw soulnation kan jalan kaki rame2 yaudah kan. Kita ngobrol di belakang berdua kan ada jarak. Kita cerita gimana gue sama dia pas kita udh sama sekali ga berhubungan. Gimana sama cewenya lalalala segala macem. Gue liat chatnya tuh hmm apa ya? Norak deh cewenya ngambekin hal sepele.
Yaudah intinya dia soulnation sama gue dan bro. Terus pas mike posner itu seru abis rame2 si gio diminta tolong pevita pearce buat gendong tapi gamau. Goblok ye? Yaudah kan gue sama faiz masih sama2 sayang yaudah kemana2 berduaan kaya org pacaran. Lmfao juga bareng kok. Padahal ada cewenya di soulnation tapi dia barengan gue.
Seninnya, gue denger kabar kalo faiz putus sama si yuli. Gue kira gara2 gue gataunya emang kemauan bareng. Temen2nya semua tau kalo faiz masih sayang sama gue. Dia juga gabisa ngelupain gue:') tapi maaf banget telat.....gue udh suka sama org lain
Sampai saat ini gue sama faiz masih berhubungan baik. Gue sama dia kaya org pacaran sih cuma gada status. Gue sering kok curhatin si org itu ke faiz, faiz mengerti lah dia dengerin, dia ngapus air mata gue, dia ngerangkul gue megang tangan gue bilang "jangan sedih lagi ya le:)"
Pada hari ini, tanggal 9 oktober 2011 adalah hari setahunan risha sama faiz....gue mau ngucapin :
Selamat setahunan ya le! Maafin aku ya kemaren2 aku sering bikin kamu kecewa, marah, kesel, sedih aku gabisa bikin kamu seneng sampe kamu harus ninggalin aku buat sama yang lain. Aku gabisa 100% nyalahin kamu karena ini kesalahan kita berdua. Kamu inget kan janji kita dulu tuh gimana? Aku juga gabisa lupain semuanya le walaupun aku sama yg lain. Cuma kita bisa jadi temen aja sementara kalo misalnya salah satu dari kita ada yang jadian. Aku sayang sama kamu. Aku seneng kok kita bisa kaya gini lagi tapi aku sedih aja kamu dateng di waktu yang salah. Dimana aku udh suka sama org lain dan kamu baru ngungkapin itu. Aku sedih kamu jadi berubah gara2 putus aku juga berubah. Semoga kedepannya kita masih deket ya walaupun hal2 gaenak terjadi. Semoga kita masih bisa baik2 aja ya le di tahun berikutnya. Aku tau kok rasanya kehilangan, tapi aku mengerti kamu dulu jadian sama org lain biar bisa seneng nyatanya engga. Aku gamau kehilangan kamu lagi le. 1 tahun itu waktu yang ga singkat loh:) cie sekarang kamu botak lagi hehehehehe. Intinya, selamat setahunan ya sayang. Semoga kita makin saling mengerti, masalah bisa diselesaiin secara dewasa, jangan sombong2 sama aku ya ndut. Love you.
Toodles! ,
Alhamdulillah hari ini tanggalnya bagus:) gue harusnya hari ini setahunan sama faiz....yaudahlah ya
Gue mau sedikit cerita....
Waktu mau soulnation kan gue nungguin temen gue di ps biar bisa barengan kan. Itu tanggal 24 sept kalo ga salah. Terus ada gio, temennya faiz. Gue ngobrol2 kan nah dia narik2in gue ke pohon. Feeling udh gaenak nih, asli gue nolak tapi dia maksa "sha, ayolah dia beli tiket soulnation+lmfao demi ketemu sama lo!" Yaudah deh gue nurut
Pas di pohon udeh tuh ada faiz dan brocode, gue duduk jauh banget kan dari faiz. Kita diem2an udeh abis gue dicengin kan. Terus faiz tiba2 duduk sebelah gue, dia bilang minta maaf lah apalah segala macem bilang dia nyesel ninggalin gue. Gue juga kasian sih abis temennya ngadu terus ke gue kalo faiz di kelas keinget gueeee terus, nangisin gue terus. Dia kalo lagi ngablu juga nangisin/nginget gue. Gue sih yakin dia masih sayang sama gue. Gue kan awal2 jawabnya nyolot kan yaudah kita kaya temen biasa kaya baru kenal lah
Terus pas otw soulnation kan jalan kaki rame2 yaudah kan. Kita ngobrol di belakang berdua kan ada jarak. Kita cerita gimana gue sama dia pas kita udh sama sekali ga berhubungan. Gimana sama cewenya lalalala segala macem. Gue liat chatnya tuh hmm apa ya? Norak deh cewenya ngambekin hal sepele.
Yaudah intinya dia soulnation sama gue dan bro. Terus pas mike posner itu seru abis rame2 si gio diminta tolong pevita pearce buat gendong tapi gamau. Goblok ye? Yaudah kan gue sama faiz masih sama2 sayang yaudah kemana2 berduaan kaya org pacaran. Lmfao juga bareng kok. Padahal ada cewenya di soulnation tapi dia barengan gue.
Seninnya, gue denger kabar kalo faiz putus sama si yuli. Gue kira gara2 gue gataunya emang kemauan bareng. Temen2nya semua tau kalo faiz masih sayang sama gue. Dia juga gabisa ngelupain gue:') tapi maaf banget telat.....gue udh suka sama org lain
Sampai saat ini gue sama faiz masih berhubungan baik. Gue sama dia kaya org pacaran sih cuma gada status. Gue sering kok curhatin si org itu ke faiz, faiz mengerti lah dia dengerin, dia ngapus air mata gue, dia ngerangkul gue megang tangan gue bilang "jangan sedih lagi ya le:)"
Pada hari ini, tanggal 9 oktober 2011 adalah hari setahunan risha sama faiz....gue mau ngucapin :
Selamat setahunan ya le! Maafin aku ya kemaren2 aku sering bikin kamu kecewa, marah, kesel, sedih aku gabisa bikin kamu seneng sampe kamu harus ninggalin aku buat sama yang lain. Aku gabisa 100% nyalahin kamu karena ini kesalahan kita berdua. Kamu inget kan janji kita dulu tuh gimana? Aku juga gabisa lupain semuanya le walaupun aku sama yg lain. Cuma kita bisa jadi temen aja sementara kalo misalnya salah satu dari kita ada yang jadian. Aku sayang sama kamu. Aku seneng kok kita bisa kaya gini lagi tapi aku sedih aja kamu dateng di waktu yang salah. Dimana aku udh suka sama org lain dan kamu baru ngungkapin itu. Aku sedih kamu jadi berubah gara2 putus aku juga berubah. Semoga kedepannya kita masih deket ya walaupun hal2 gaenak terjadi. Semoga kita masih bisa baik2 aja ya le di tahun berikutnya. Aku tau kok rasanya kehilangan, tapi aku mengerti kamu dulu jadian sama org lain biar bisa seneng nyatanya engga. Aku gamau kehilangan kamu lagi le. 1 tahun itu waktu yang ga singkat loh:) cie sekarang kamu botak lagi hehehehehe. Intinya, selamat setahunan ya sayang. Semoga kita makin saling mengerti, masalah bisa diselesaiin secara dewasa, jangan sombong2 sama aku ya ndut. Love you.
Toodles! ,
Jumat, 23 September 2011
random post
Hey all!
Duh ada yg batu bgt ya masih aja kemaren sms2 gue minta ketemuan terus minta maaf hahaa males abis ketemuan sama lo alesannya apa coba? Mau nyelesaiin masalah buset bukannya udh selesai dari dulu banget ya?
Btw gue udah suka dong sama orang hehehe orangnya baiiiik banget ga ngerokok ga minum2 rajin solat terus gapernah macem2 deh ga tengil sama cewe....ya ampun suka banget gue bukan aja hehe mana katanya nih ya denger2 dia suka sama gue dari kelas 1 semester 1 :$ tapi gatau juga sih jadi apa engga hehe
Ya intinya gue sekarang udah bisa lah nikmatin masa sma yang seru bebas larangan, lagian gue udh tau kok si f udh ngapain aja sama cewenya buset belom sebulanan udh parah bgt ya hahahaha mana sekarang dia ancur bgt lagi untung udh masa lalu gue
Udah ya mau busy...busy bbman hehehehe:p
Toodles! ,
Duh ada yg batu bgt ya masih aja kemaren sms2 gue minta ketemuan terus minta maaf hahaa males abis ketemuan sama lo alesannya apa coba? Mau nyelesaiin masalah buset bukannya udh selesai dari dulu banget ya?
Btw gue udah suka dong sama orang hehehe orangnya baiiiik banget ga ngerokok ga minum2 rajin solat terus gapernah macem2 deh ga tengil sama cewe....ya ampun suka banget gue bukan aja hehe mana katanya nih ya denger2 dia suka sama gue dari kelas 1 semester 1 :$ tapi gatau juga sih jadi apa engga hehe
Ya intinya gue sekarang udah bisa lah nikmatin masa sma yang seru bebas larangan, lagian gue udh tau kok si f udh ngapain aja sama cewenya buset belom sebulanan udh parah bgt ya hahahaha mana sekarang dia ancur bgt lagi untung udh masa lalu gue
Udah ya mau busy...busy bbman hehehehe:p
Toodles! ,
Rabu, 21 September 2011
sorry, but no!
Hey alllll
Masa yaaaa tadi siang temennya si fuck-iz nyapa gue gitu lalala ngobrol2 lah katanya dia masih suka kepo tentang gue, liat2 contact gue dari bb temennya terus tau2 aja tentang si anak 3 dan si binus....yaelah urusan lo gitu?
Ngapain amet masih kepoin kehidupan gue ya Allah gue aja udh gatau apa2 tentang hidup lo, gue aja kaget lo masih idup sekarang hahahaa canda
Kata lo apa? Cinta 2 hati? Buseeeet berat banget yeee bahasa lu ogah gue balikan sama cowo brengsek kayak lo. Cowo kayak lo tuh....banyak....BANGET!!!!!!! Demi Allah banyak hahahahaha
Terus saingan gue siapa? Si yul? Dih NAJESSSSSS ga banget saingan gue dia hhahahaa siapa jugaaaa yang masih ngarep? Ya mau tau ajasiiiih gue udh suka sama org lain, terus urusan lo tuh apa ya?
Bilangnya masih sayang sama gue haahaha sayang tuh artinya mempertahankan apa yang dipunya, bukan laper mata! Ah jelek bgt sih kelakuan lo gatel bgt hahaha sorry to say but I'm moving on!
Doakan saja semogaaaa gue bisa hidup lebih bahagia sama orang yang gue suka AMIN! Udeh lah gausah nyari2 tau tentang gue, oke? Gausah kenal lagi malah kalo perlu! Enek gue sama lo weeeeey dimana lo pada saat gue ngarepin lo? Dimana lo pada saat gue nangis karena lo? Dimana lo saat gue sakit2 karena lo? Dimana lo saat gue kangen sama lo? Di pelukan si uli jabs kan?
Ah cowo kayak lo mah gitu, kehilangan fans langsung kalang kabut. Ga deh, makasih bgt udh cukup kenal sama lo, ga lagi2 deh sama lo maap ye bos udah telat bgt ini mangkanya kalo mutusin gue tuh mikir, SIAPA YANG AKAN GALAU PADA AKHIRNYA!
Toodles! ,
Masa yaaaa tadi siang temennya si fuck-iz nyapa gue gitu lalala ngobrol2 lah katanya dia masih suka kepo tentang gue, liat2 contact gue dari bb temennya terus tau2 aja tentang si anak 3 dan si binus....yaelah urusan lo gitu?
Ngapain amet masih kepoin kehidupan gue ya Allah gue aja udh gatau apa2 tentang hidup lo, gue aja kaget lo masih idup sekarang hahahaa canda
Kata lo apa? Cinta 2 hati? Buseeeet berat banget yeee bahasa lu ogah gue balikan sama cowo brengsek kayak lo. Cowo kayak lo tuh....banyak....BANGET!!!!!!! Demi Allah banyak hahahahaha
Terus saingan gue siapa? Si yul? Dih NAJESSSSSS ga banget saingan gue dia hhahahaa siapa jugaaaa yang masih ngarep? Ya mau tau ajasiiiih gue udh suka sama org lain, terus urusan lo tuh apa ya?
Bilangnya masih sayang sama gue haahaha sayang tuh artinya mempertahankan apa yang dipunya, bukan laper mata! Ah jelek bgt sih kelakuan lo gatel bgt hahaha sorry to say but I'm moving on!
Doakan saja semogaaaa gue bisa hidup lebih bahagia sama orang yang gue suka AMIN! Udeh lah gausah nyari2 tau tentang gue, oke? Gausah kenal lagi malah kalo perlu! Enek gue sama lo weeeeey dimana lo pada saat gue ngarepin lo? Dimana lo pada saat gue nangis karena lo? Dimana lo saat gue sakit2 karena lo? Dimana lo saat gue kangen sama lo? Di pelukan si uli jabs kan?
Ah cowo kayak lo mah gitu, kehilangan fans langsung kalang kabut. Ga deh, makasih bgt udh cukup kenal sama lo, ga lagi2 deh sama lo maap ye bos udah telat bgt ini mangkanya kalo mutusin gue tuh mikir, SIAPA YANG AKAN GALAU PADA AKHIRNYA!
Toodles! ,
Minggu, 18 September 2011
sedih aja
Menyukai seseorang yang baru, bukan berarti melupakan yang lama.
Berhenti menangisinya, bukan berarti berhenti menyayanginya.
Berbahagia dengan hidup gue, bukan berarti berbahagia di hati kecil gue.
Mendorongnya untuk pergi dari kehidupan gue, bukan berarti membencinya....melainkan membunuh perasaan gue.
Berbohong kepada orang lain tentang perasaan gue, bukan berarti gue sepenuhnya bahagia
Terluka...itu yang gue rasain. Buat apa tadi nelfon gue? Buat apa bbm nanya kabar gue? Buat apa ngablu ngomong "kangen risha"? Apa cuma membuat gue yang udah berjalan jauh untuk nengok ke belakang lagi?
Tolong jangan ganggu kehidupan yang udah gue mulai bangun pelan2 dengan cara gue sendiri. Ga mudah ngebangun rongsokan menjadi emas. Gue emang udah suka sama orang lain, tapi bukan berarti gue ngelupain semua tentang lo. Semua kenangan yang terus menghantui gue sampe sekarang. Emang kelemahan gue cuma 1...susah buat ngelupainm sesuatu yang berarti banget buat gue. Lo bisa dengan mudah nunjukin "nih gue bisa banget tanpa lo" tapi gue ga kaya gitu, karena emang gue ga mudah buat kayak gitu
Mungkin emang ini kali ya. Mungkin Allah emang udah ngasih jalan kita masing2. Lo ngejalaninnya dengan yang baru, gue berusaha sendirian tanpa bantuan. Itu menunjukkan kalo gue lebih kuat daripada lo. Karena gue bisa ngebangun ini semua tanpa "seseorang". Mungkin emang lo sekarang lagi bahagia lagi segala2nya. Tapi selalu ingat, roda itu terus berputar begitu juga dengan kehidupan. Ga selamanya lo ada di atas, kalo ga jalan ke bawah namanya lo udah mati karena roda kehidupan lo ga berputar.
Allah sayang sama gue. Dia nunjukin kalo lo ga akan pernah menjadi yang terbaik buat gue. Selamat menjalani kehidupan kita masing2, gue tau ini berat banget buat gue...tapi gue tau gue pasti bisa. Gue pasti kuat kok tanpa lo, dan yang terpenting....please banget jangan pernah menyentuh kehidupan yang udah gue bangun tanpa lo.
Gue tuh capek sih nginget yang lalu2. Rasanya kayak lo ngebaca suatu buku keseringan dan udah tau endingnya bakal nyakitin, buat apa? Bosen kan bacanya? Yang bener cuma 1. Beli buku yang baru! Iya, lembaran gue sama lo udah gue simpen rapi di tempat lain, gue lagi memulai yang baru dan mencoba menjalani sama orang yang bakal sayang, setia, pengertian dan mengerti gue banget.
Toodles! ,
Berhenti menangisinya, bukan berarti berhenti menyayanginya.
Berbahagia dengan hidup gue, bukan berarti berbahagia di hati kecil gue.
Mendorongnya untuk pergi dari kehidupan gue, bukan berarti membencinya....melainkan membunuh perasaan gue.
Berbohong kepada orang lain tentang perasaan gue, bukan berarti gue sepenuhnya bahagia
Terluka...itu yang gue rasain. Buat apa tadi nelfon gue? Buat apa bbm nanya kabar gue? Buat apa ngablu ngomong "kangen risha"? Apa cuma membuat gue yang udah berjalan jauh untuk nengok ke belakang lagi?
Tolong jangan ganggu kehidupan yang udah gue mulai bangun pelan2 dengan cara gue sendiri. Ga mudah ngebangun rongsokan menjadi emas. Gue emang udah suka sama orang lain, tapi bukan berarti gue ngelupain semua tentang lo. Semua kenangan yang terus menghantui gue sampe sekarang. Emang kelemahan gue cuma 1...susah buat ngelupainm sesuatu yang berarti banget buat gue. Lo bisa dengan mudah nunjukin "nih gue bisa banget tanpa lo" tapi gue ga kaya gitu, karena emang gue ga mudah buat kayak gitu
Mungkin emang ini kali ya. Mungkin Allah emang udah ngasih jalan kita masing2. Lo ngejalaninnya dengan yang baru, gue berusaha sendirian tanpa bantuan. Itu menunjukkan kalo gue lebih kuat daripada lo. Karena gue bisa ngebangun ini semua tanpa "seseorang". Mungkin emang lo sekarang lagi bahagia lagi segala2nya. Tapi selalu ingat, roda itu terus berputar begitu juga dengan kehidupan. Ga selamanya lo ada di atas, kalo ga jalan ke bawah namanya lo udah mati karena roda kehidupan lo ga berputar.
Allah sayang sama gue. Dia nunjukin kalo lo ga akan pernah menjadi yang terbaik buat gue. Selamat menjalani kehidupan kita masing2, gue tau ini berat banget buat gue...tapi gue tau gue pasti bisa. Gue pasti kuat kok tanpa lo, dan yang terpenting....please banget jangan pernah menyentuh kehidupan yang udah gue bangun tanpa lo.
Gue tuh capek sih nginget yang lalu2. Rasanya kayak lo ngebaca suatu buku keseringan dan udah tau endingnya bakal nyakitin, buat apa? Bosen kan bacanya? Yang bener cuma 1. Beli buku yang baru! Iya, lembaran gue sama lo udah gue simpen rapi di tempat lain, gue lagi memulai yang baru dan mencoba menjalani sama orang yang bakal sayang, setia, pengertian dan mengerti gue banget.
Toodles! ,
Sabtu, 17 September 2011
angels cry - mariah carey ft ne-yo
I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could've made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground
I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky
Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry
I thought we'd be forever and always
You were serenity
You took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right
But it was OK
I do somethin' stupid
And you still stay with me
But you can only go for so long
Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up
Find your love gone
We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye
'Cause lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night
I feel the angels cry
Mariah & Ne-Yo:
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry
Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you
Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you
Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
But we let it slip
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry
Oh babe, the angels cry
Toodles! ,
I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could've made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground
I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky
Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry
I thought we'd be forever and always
You were serenity
You took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right
But it was OK
I do somethin' stupid
And you still stay with me
But you can only go for so long
Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up
Find your love gone
We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye
'Cause lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night
I feel the angels cry
Mariah & Ne-Yo:
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry
Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you
Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you
Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
But we let it slip
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry
Oh babe, the angels cry
Toodles! ,
Rabu, 14 September 2011
stalker FTW!
I just found out someone who stalked me! You bitch, why you wanna know bout my life? Don't you have your effin good life with your "dog" instead of lookin at mine? But its not you, ir :p sorry this one's for muhfuckin ex!
So, you told all of your friends if I still love you then you open up my blog to show em? Bitch, who the hell do you think you are?
Well...I used to love him but for this past few days I never ever think about him anymore. He's useless. So u just bbm me to asked how I was? Ha! I don't NEED your attention because I refused you to touch my life.
Okay, I still have feelings for you but just about ummm 45% percent! The rest belongs to....I dunno...maybe chucky? Orrrr maybe uhm...I dunno. Me and chucky are just friends. We always know that we can never be more than friends.
Well, all I have to say is : GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY! You have no rights to ask how's my days so far because it makes me wanna drag you to hell. I just realized how stupid I was because of falling for an asshole like you! I know you've been cheated on me for more than once ha you bitch!
Everybody wants you to DIE! Because I've got lots of information even your BF didn't like you anymore, just eat your "slutty-dog" and fuck off! Don't you ever come back and try to mess up with my life!
I'm so happy with mine. I'm feeling much better without you in my life. Because you took EVERYTHING that I had! Aw shit....I hate you so much!
Toodles! ,
So, you told all of your friends if I still love you then you open up my blog to show em? Bitch, who the hell do you think you are?
Well...I used to love him but for this past few days I never ever think about him anymore. He's useless. So u just bbm me to asked how I was? Ha! I don't NEED your attention because I refused you to touch my life.
Okay, I still have feelings for you but just about ummm 45% percent! The rest belongs to....I dunno...maybe chucky? Orrrr maybe uhm...I dunno. Me and chucky are just friends. We always know that we can never be more than friends.
Well, all I have to say is : GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY! You have no rights to ask how's my days so far because it makes me wanna drag you to hell. I just realized how stupid I was because of falling for an asshole like you! I know you've been cheated on me for more than once ha you bitch!
Everybody wants you to DIE! Because I've got lots of information even your BF didn't like you anymore, just eat your "slutty-dog" and fuck off! Don't you ever come back and try to mess up with my life!
I'm so happy with mine. I'm feeling much better without you in my life. Because you took EVERYTHING that I had! Aw shit....I hate you so much!
Toodles! ,
Sabtu, 10 September 2011
blushing :$
Tadi gue ketemuan sama gio di pohon ps kan. Dia mau ngasih aux gue yang ada di faiz gitu...pas ngasih gue kenal bgt tuh wanginya sama sepatunya gio eh gataunya bener punya faiz pantesan familiar bgt ampe gue nangis saking kangennya sama itu parfum HAHA labil....iyalah udh hampir setahun gue nyium wangi itu terus
Abis itu kan kita crita2 aja kaaan terus tuh tadinya faiz mau ikutan sama gio buat ketemu gue tapi faiz bilang "gi, risha udh gamau ketemu lagi sama gue ya?" Wkwk mungkin gara2 gue nolak temenan sama dia kali ya? Yakali dah temenan sama org yang masih gue sayang bgtbgt ntar galau lagi ngeliatin mereka pacaran.
Terusss gio cerita kan faiz semalem mabok joget2 gajelas bisa tuh gue ngebayangin dia lagi ngegila haha hmmm apa ya? Oiya kan katanya semalem gio ngedengerin vn happy birthdaynya dari cewe2 make aux gue di mobil faiz, pas bagian suara gue....
F: anjing galau gue dengerin ini suara, ngentot.
S: hahaha risha gue gebet ya? (Ini bercandaan)
F: Ga! Awas aja lo gue tampol!
Uuuu masih perduli aja ya sama gue. Masih aja nanya2in gue giliran gue udh mulai menghilang. Ternyata ada untungnya juga gue berusaha ngebunuh perasaan gue dengan cara menolak jadi temennya. Bismillah ya Allah semoga gue ga jatuh ke lubang yang sama . Amin.
Toodles! ,
Abis itu kan kita crita2 aja kaaan terus tuh tadinya faiz mau ikutan sama gio buat ketemu gue tapi faiz bilang "gi, risha udh gamau ketemu lagi sama gue ya?" Wkwk mungkin gara2 gue nolak temenan sama dia kali ya? Yakali dah temenan sama org yang masih gue sayang bgtbgt ntar galau lagi ngeliatin mereka pacaran.
Terusss gio cerita kan faiz semalem mabok joget2 gajelas bisa tuh gue ngebayangin dia lagi ngegila haha hmmm apa ya? Oiya kan katanya semalem gio ngedengerin vn happy birthdaynya dari cewe2 make aux gue di mobil faiz, pas bagian suara gue....
F: anjing galau gue dengerin ini suara, ngentot.
S: hahaha risha gue gebet ya? (Ini bercandaan)
F: Ga! Awas aja lo gue tampol!
Uuuu masih perduli aja ya sama gue. Masih aja nanya2in gue giliran gue udh mulai menghilang. Ternyata ada untungnya juga gue berusaha ngebunuh perasaan gue dengan cara menolak jadi temennya. Bismillah ya Allah semoga gue ga jatuh ke lubang yang sama . Amin.
Toodles! ,
Jumat, 09 September 2011
hey all!
now i'm listening to jar of hearts by christina perri while writing this shit. well its not some kind of shit, but this is the perfect place where i can express all of my feelings. i dont need an advice from everybody, i just wanna share it with everybody who read this post.
well, yesterday was 9 september. it used to be my anniversary with him. but there's no more anniversary, and at 29 september will be the day when the first time he greet me on msn. so funny back then, time flies so fast. i heard that he loves his girlfriend, thats good :)
ive been thinking about him all the time and it cost me a lot of pain. ive been trying so hard to get him outta my mind, well it works a little but hurts a lot. i still love him, so much. i know he wont feel the same way so i just wanna bury all of my thoughts and feelings for him.
i dont want him back, but i just miss him around me. i just miss the way he loved me. but still, i dont want him back. i dont wanna feel the pain again, im so scared to open up my heart and fill it with new lover. its just not that easy, and i just dont wanna be in love anymore.
i just want him, i still need him even tho he's an asshole but believe me...he's just not that bad. he's a great kid. he's awesome, but still...he's the one that i never thought would hurt me, but he hurts me the most! he lied to me. thats the worst thing, i trusted him a lot.
but i never cried for him anymore..THANK GOD! i moved on with my life, i just realize that i have such a fucking good life. i just dont wanna move on to another hearts, because honestly he's the one that i really love the most.
i dont know what to say. sorry for all my twisted words.
ive got lots of things about him but i dont have any idea how to express it. im so fed up with my thoughts of him. im so fed up with waking up in the morning and find myself heartbroken, its still hurts until now. i just hate the fact that he still didnt want to tell the truth.
the most painful thing is....i still hold his hand in mine when im asleep. i can still feel his touch and his breath. i still remember the last time he looked me in the eye, gave me one last touch on my cheek. it felt really peaceful. and....
sorry, i cant continue this...
its too painful :(
toodles! ,
now i'm listening to jar of hearts by christina perri while writing this shit. well its not some kind of shit, but this is the perfect place where i can express all of my feelings. i dont need an advice from everybody, i just wanna share it with everybody who read this post.
well, yesterday was 9 september. it used to be my anniversary with him. but there's no more anniversary, and at 29 september will be the day when the first time he greet me on msn. so funny back then, time flies so fast. i heard that he loves his girlfriend, thats good :)
ive been thinking about him all the time and it cost me a lot of pain. ive been trying so hard to get him outta my mind, well it works a little but hurts a lot. i still love him, so much. i know he wont feel the same way so i just wanna bury all of my thoughts and feelings for him.
i dont want him back, but i just miss him around me. i just miss the way he loved me. but still, i dont want him back. i dont wanna feel the pain again, im so scared to open up my heart and fill it with new lover. its just not that easy, and i just dont wanna be in love anymore.
i just want him, i still need him even tho he's an asshole but believe me...he's just not that bad. he's a great kid. he's awesome, but still...he's the one that i never thought would hurt me, but he hurts me the most! he lied to me. thats the worst thing, i trusted him a lot.
but i never cried for him anymore..THANK GOD! i moved on with my life, i just realize that i have such a fucking good life. i just dont wanna move on to another hearts, because honestly he's the one that i really love the most.
i dont know what to say. sorry for all my twisted words.
ive got lots of things about him but i dont have any idea how to express it. im so fed up with my thoughts of him. im so fed up with waking up in the morning and find myself heartbroken, its still hurts until now. i just hate the fact that he still didnt want to tell the truth.
the most painful thing is....i still hold his hand in mine when im asleep. i can still feel his touch and his breath. i still remember the last time he looked me in the eye, gave me one last touch on my cheek. it felt really peaceful. and....
sorry, i cant continue this...
its too painful :(
toodles! ,
Senin, 05 September 2011
Mungkin cuma itu kata2 yang mendeskripsikan keadaan gue. Labil.
Sebentar bilang benci, cuma sekarang fix masih sayang. Banget. Parah. Mungkin semua emang jalannya, gue nyesel gue sering nyakitin orang yang bener bener gue sayang cuma gara2 emosi doang. Mungkin ini kali ya akibat kalo kita ga menghargai rasa sayang ke pacar sendiri.
Gue sakit hati dan kesel sama diri gue sendiri. Cuma gara2 ego doang bisa kayak gini. Sekarang apa? Dia udah sayang sama orang lain dan gue gabisa ngontact dia lagi karena pada dasarnya gue gamau ngeganggu dia lagi.
Gue sedih banget harus kehilangan orang yang bener2 gue gamau untuk ke 2xnya. Pertama radit, kedua faiz. Kalo radit mah emang babi, kalo faiz gue yang salah.
Parah gue kangen banget sama faiz. Lo pernah ga kangen banget sama org tapi tanpa sadar lo sampe keluar air mata saking kangennya sama orang lain? Mungkin engga. Tapi buat gue, ya itulah yang gue rasain sekarang.
Gue nyesel. Emang penyesalah selalu dateng pada akhirnya. Ga ada yang tau perasaan sama jalan pikiran orang. Mungkin emang pada dasarnya faiz udh ga sanggup sama sifat dan kelakuan gue. Gue tau dia sayang bgt dan selalu sabar ngadepin gue. Tapi balesan gue cuma nyakitin nyakitin dan nyakitin.
Gue cuma butuh mesin waktu doang. Gue pengen banget muter waktu dari bulan juni. Gue pengen memperbaiki semuanya, tapi gue tau itu ga mungkin. Yang bisa gue lakuin sekarang adalah belajar dari pengalaman.
Sumpah gue ngetik sambil keluar air mata hahaha dasar labil. Gue sedih banget nginget yang dulu2. Segimana sayangnya faiz sama gue. Emang bener ya, orang baru ngerasa betapa berartinya dia buat kita pas dia udh ga ada. Mungkin ini karma banget buat gue.
Udah 2 minggu lebih gue nangisin hal yang ga pasti. 4 hari lagi harusnya gue anniv 11 bulan. Gila, gue sayang banget sama faiz. Gue tau semua hal tentang dia 100% kecuali perasaan dia ke gue.
Dia udh males ketemu sama gue. Itu setau gue. Gila air mata gue ga brenti2. Gue kangen banget sama dia ga boong deh. Gue pengen ketemu terus ngobrol sama dia. Gue kangen banget parah.
Gue gabisa tidur semaleman mikirin dia. Gue kangen banget sama dia, akhirnya gue sms aja "I miss you" baru deh gue bisa tidur. Itupun jam 3 gue bisa tidur. Gue tiap hari begitu. Bangun tidur, masih nyesek. Mau tidur, nyesek lagi.
Gue masih sayang bgtbgtbgtbgtbgt sama faiz:(
Toodles! ,
Sebentar bilang benci, cuma sekarang fix masih sayang. Banget. Parah. Mungkin semua emang jalannya, gue nyesel gue sering nyakitin orang yang bener bener gue sayang cuma gara2 emosi doang. Mungkin ini kali ya akibat kalo kita ga menghargai rasa sayang ke pacar sendiri.
Gue sakit hati dan kesel sama diri gue sendiri. Cuma gara2 ego doang bisa kayak gini. Sekarang apa? Dia udah sayang sama orang lain dan gue gabisa ngontact dia lagi karena pada dasarnya gue gamau ngeganggu dia lagi.
Gue sedih banget harus kehilangan orang yang bener2 gue gamau untuk ke 2xnya. Pertama radit, kedua faiz. Kalo radit mah emang babi, kalo faiz gue yang salah.
Parah gue kangen banget sama faiz. Lo pernah ga kangen banget sama org tapi tanpa sadar lo sampe keluar air mata saking kangennya sama orang lain? Mungkin engga. Tapi buat gue, ya itulah yang gue rasain sekarang.
Gue nyesel. Emang penyesalah selalu dateng pada akhirnya. Ga ada yang tau perasaan sama jalan pikiran orang. Mungkin emang pada dasarnya faiz udh ga sanggup sama sifat dan kelakuan gue. Gue tau dia sayang bgt dan selalu sabar ngadepin gue. Tapi balesan gue cuma nyakitin nyakitin dan nyakitin.
Gue cuma butuh mesin waktu doang. Gue pengen banget muter waktu dari bulan juni. Gue pengen memperbaiki semuanya, tapi gue tau itu ga mungkin. Yang bisa gue lakuin sekarang adalah belajar dari pengalaman.
Sumpah gue ngetik sambil keluar air mata hahaha dasar labil. Gue sedih banget nginget yang dulu2. Segimana sayangnya faiz sama gue. Emang bener ya, orang baru ngerasa betapa berartinya dia buat kita pas dia udh ga ada. Mungkin ini karma banget buat gue.
Udah 2 minggu lebih gue nangisin hal yang ga pasti. 4 hari lagi harusnya gue anniv 11 bulan. Gila, gue sayang banget sama faiz. Gue tau semua hal tentang dia 100% kecuali perasaan dia ke gue.
Dia udh males ketemu sama gue. Itu setau gue. Gila air mata gue ga brenti2. Gue kangen banget sama dia ga boong deh. Gue pengen ketemu terus ngobrol sama dia. Gue kangen banget parah.
Gue gabisa tidur semaleman mikirin dia. Gue kangen banget sama dia, akhirnya gue sms aja "I miss you" baru deh gue bisa tidur. Itupun jam 3 gue bisa tidur. Gue tiap hari begitu. Bangun tidur, masih nyesek. Mau tidur, nyesek lagi.
Gue masih sayang bgtbgtbgtbgtbgt sama faiz:(
Toodles! ,
Sabtu, 03 September 2011
hey all! kemaren pas tgl 3 fun sekaliiii jadi gue vicky vania inong tuh ke salon jam 3an terus abis itu cabcus kan ke ps kita makan2 di bakerzin sambil foto2 gitu kan. yaudsss kita ngobrol2 aja kaya biasa abis itu tiba2 gio dateng wkwk malu2 dia ketemu inong huuu lucu ya kalo lagi jatuh cinta
terus hmm gue galau terus ya hmmmm adalah pokoknya mulai miring akal pikiran gue terus gue punya kaos john lennon kembaran sama gio!!!! cuma bedanya punya gue udh gue gunting2 sendiri wkwkwk terus apa ya? ya gitu deh ngobrol2 aja tapi kocak gituuuu
terus kan tadi ada gitu deh yang abis dari cibinong ngebut ke ps mau ketemuan doang wkwk gue tungguin aja tuh udh minta nomer gue terus sempet nelfon gitu kayanya pengen bgt ketemu tuh orang -_- abis itu pas ketemu udh kan nemenin gue beli softex wkwk terus ngobrol2 banyak ampe nyasar gituuu terus dia bilang "eh...kita kemana sih? aduh muter2 ya keasikan ngobrol sih" duh...blushing bgtttt
terus ya gue ngobrol banyak lah, this boy is pretty interesting. he likes to dance and he knows all of dance histories, choreographs, he knows a lot about fashion stuffs and where to buy the good and cheap ones but still original and....he complimented my shoes! he's pretty stylish and you'll never stop talking about art! thats the most amazing part ;) hampir sama kayak si R lah cuma lebih "normal"nya gitu
cukup menarik sih cuma jadi temen aja kan ;) oiya...get well soon papaku!!!!
toodles! ,
terus hmm gue galau terus ya hmmmm adalah pokoknya mulai miring akal pikiran gue terus gue punya kaos john lennon kembaran sama gio!!!! cuma bedanya punya gue udh gue gunting2 sendiri wkwkwk terus apa ya? ya gitu deh ngobrol2 aja tapi kocak gituuuu
terus kan tadi ada gitu deh yang abis dari cibinong ngebut ke ps mau ketemuan doang wkwk gue tungguin aja tuh udh minta nomer gue terus sempet nelfon gitu kayanya pengen bgt ketemu tuh orang -_- abis itu pas ketemu udh kan nemenin gue beli softex wkwk terus ngobrol2 banyak ampe nyasar gituuu terus dia bilang "eh...kita kemana sih? aduh muter2 ya keasikan ngobrol sih" duh...blushing bgtttt
terus ya gue ngobrol banyak lah, this boy is pretty interesting. he likes to dance and he knows all of dance histories, choreographs, he knows a lot about fashion stuffs and where to buy the good and cheap ones but still original and....he complimented my shoes! he's pretty stylish and you'll never stop talking about art! thats the most amazing part ;) hampir sama kayak si R lah cuma lebih "normal"nya gitu
cukup menarik sih cuma jadi temen aja kan ;) oiya...get well soon papaku!!!!
toodles! ,
Kamis, 01 September 2011
meikanisme ({})
Kemaren gue jalan sama meikanisme :D seru bgt gue udah ga galau sama sekali sampe detik ini *cheers* ini gue mau ngasih lirik lagu yang sepertinya cocok sama situasi gue kemaren dimana mereka menghibur gue :')
[Verse 1 Beyonce]
Take A Minute Girl Come Sit Down
And Tell Us What's Been Happening
In Your Face I Can see The Pain
Don't Try To Convince Us That You're Happy (Yeah)
We've Seen This All Before
But He's Taking Advantage Of Your Passion
Because We've Come Too Far
For You To Feel Alone
You Don't Let Him Walk Over Your Heart
I'm Telling You
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
[Verse 2 Kelly]
See What Y'all Don't Know About Him
Is that I Can't Let Him Go 'cause He Needs Me
It Ain't Really Him, It's Stress From His Job
And I Ain't Making It Easy
I Know You See Him Bugging Most Of The Time
But I Know Deep Inside He Don't Mean It
It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Need My Man
I Don't Think Ya'll Understand
I'm Telling You
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
[Bridge Michelle]
Girl, Take A Good Look At Yourself
He Got You Going Through Hell
We Ain't Never Seen You Down Like This
What You Mean You Don't Need Us To Help?
We Known Each Other Too Well
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To ( Girrl
I've known you since you were ten you cannot
hide from your friends.) Girl, I Can Tell He's
Been LyingAnd Pretending That He's Faithful And
He Loves You Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
Girl - Destiny's Child
Toodles! ,
[Verse 1 Beyonce]
Take A Minute Girl Come Sit Down
And Tell Us What's Been Happening
In Your Face I Can see The Pain
Don't Try To Convince Us That You're Happy (Yeah)
We've Seen This All Before
But He's Taking Advantage Of Your Passion
Because We've Come Too Far
For You To Feel Alone
You Don't Let Him Walk Over Your Heart
I'm Telling You
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
[Verse 2 Kelly]
See What Y'all Don't Know About Him
Is that I Can't Let Him Go 'cause He Needs Me
It Ain't Really Him, It's Stress From His Job
And I Ain't Making It Easy
I Know You See Him Bugging Most Of The Time
But I Know Deep Inside He Don't Mean It
It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Need My Man
I Don't Think Ya'll Understand
I'm Telling You
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
[Bridge Michelle]
Girl, Take A Good Look At Yourself
He Got You Going Through Hell
We Ain't Never Seen You Down Like This
What You Mean You Don't Need Us To Help?
We Known Each Other Too Well
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To ( Girrl
I've known you since you were ten you cannot
hide from your friends.) Girl, I Can Tell He's
Been LyingAnd Pretending That He's Faithful And
He Loves You Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And Your Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're You're Girls
Don't You Know That We Love You?
Girl - Destiny's Child
Toodles! ,
Ahahahhaa tanggal 1 september 2011 ada yang jadian gitu dehhhh CONGRATS MUHAMMAD FUCK-IZ ABDURRAHMAN dan YULI-slut PURNAMASARI!
Longlast selalu kawan hahahahaha lo ngejelek2in gue kan? Alah pussy bgt lo takut ngelawan gue sama temen2 gue speak babi mau ngajak ribut RCD! Heh tot, lawan lo tuh RCDV! Lo kan banci mana brani sama cowok hahahahaha alay lo
Longlast selalu kawan hahahahaha lo ngejelek2in gue kan? Alah pussy bgt lo takut ngelawan gue sama temen2 gue speak babi mau ngajak ribut RCD! Heh tot, lawan lo tuh RCDV! Lo kan banci mana brani sama cowok hahahahaha alay lo
Fix gue jijik parah sama faiz. Bego bgt gue hampir keluar rcdv delete anak2 rcd dan nampar ashari demi dia? Dia gamau ninggalin si yuli! Anjing cewe muka kayak joker aja dibelain! Ihhh najis dasar cowok asu
Benci bgt gue bangsat gue ngarep sama cowok yang salah bgt! Akhirnya setelah 2 minggu gue udah pinter sekarang. Lagian masih ngurusin gue bgt? Ngapain larang2 gue emang lo siapa gue sih? Berasa lo ganteng amet ih larang2 gue mana gamau lepasin si YULIA PURNAMASARI....cewek mirip joker gitu
Langsung aja gue delete contact sumpah enek gue sama cowok kayak dia....heran gue dulu bisa cinta bgt sama dia sumpah ga nyangka gue bego bgt mau2an digituin sama cowok....astaga ya Allah ga lagi2 deh gue mikirin dia, ilfeel!!!! Ya suka2 gue lah mau siapa aja kerumah gue justru nyokap gue seneng gue deket2 sama temen gue, justru nyokap gue ngira gue gapunya temen gara2 jadian sama si faiz itu
Ga deh, ga ada lagi ngarepin dia sorry bos udah enek bgt sama kelakuannya liat aja ya! Gue udah ada bukti kalo si yuli ilfeel sama faiz ya ga doain di tolak sih paling kalo di trima ya....gitu deh bego bgt dia ninggalin cewek kayak gue demi JOKER
Toodles! ,
Benci bgt gue bangsat gue ngarep sama cowok yang salah bgt! Akhirnya setelah 2 minggu gue udah pinter sekarang. Lagian masih ngurusin gue bgt? Ngapain larang2 gue emang lo siapa gue sih? Berasa lo ganteng amet ih larang2 gue mana gamau lepasin si YULIA PURNAMASARI....cewek mirip joker gitu
Langsung aja gue delete contact sumpah enek gue sama cowok kayak dia....heran gue dulu bisa cinta bgt sama dia sumpah ga nyangka gue bego bgt mau2an digituin sama cowok....astaga ya Allah ga lagi2 deh gue mikirin dia, ilfeel!!!! Ya suka2 gue lah mau siapa aja kerumah gue justru nyokap gue seneng gue deket2 sama temen gue, justru nyokap gue ngira gue gapunya temen gara2 jadian sama si faiz itu
Ga deh, ga ada lagi ngarepin dia sorry bos udah enek bgt sama kelakuannya liat aja ya! Gue udah ada bukti kalo si yuli ilfeel sama faiz ya ga doain di tolak sih paling kalo di trima ya....gitu deh bego bgt dia ninggalin cewek kayak gue demi JOKER
Toodles! ,
Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011
photographs - rihanna
Hey guys! Minal aidin walfaidzin ya maaf kalo ngegalau mulu heheheheh:D btw tadi gue iseng kan ngebuka box yang isinya foto2 gue sama sang....mantan. Gue jadi kepikiran dia lagi karena omongan tante gue tadi, iyasih nyelekit jadi merasa bersalah gue but anyway...what has done cannot be undone, aight? Yaudsss tadi gue ngebuka boxnya sambil dengerin lagu di itouch eh ga sengaja ke shuffle lagu photographsnya rihanna....sedih gue ngeliatnya, by the way here's the lyrics...
Here's a little story I've gotta tell
'Bout this boy I know so well
Back in the day was cool and all
Fell in love, I fell in love
Thought he was the one for me
Other boys I could not see
And look what happened to our love
I'm like, how could it be?
It should have been me and you
It could have been you and me
But boy, you broke my heart and now I'm standing here
It should have been me and you
It could have been you and me
Now I look at all these photographs
All I've got, all I've got
All I've got are these photographs
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
Now baby, it's killing me
I'm saying it's killing me
The fact that you went around
Baby, I'm falling down
I need me a remedy
Been looking for remedies
I need you to be around
Baby, I'm hurting now
I know you're a better man
When I was your girl
This land is a better land
When you're in my world
Today will be better, babe
If it were like yesterday
So happy and lovely, hey, hey, hey
All I've got, all I've got
All I've got are these photographs
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
All I've got are these photographs
I remember when I used to make you laugh
I don't wanna be stuck in the past
But you're all that I have that I had
And I don't wanna lose what we built this far
This is me and you, you're my superstar
I'd give anything, baby, here's my heart
My heart, my heart
My heart don't stop, my heart be beating over
My loving never stop, even though that it's over
Girl, I've been reminiscing when I play that Casanova
Way back when we was kissing on your grand-mama's sofa
Girl I got us lovey-dovey on my photo album
I got them pictures back when I was rocking Calvin Klein
You had your Guess jeans on, looking sexy
Oh home girl, why could it not be the one?
Why? Why? Why?
(I am not the one)
Why? Why? Why?
(Why couldn't you be the one?)
Why? Why? Why?
(Why couldn't you be the one?)
Why? Why? Why?
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
You, you
Is nothing without you
You, you
Is nothing without you
All I've got, is nothing without
All I've got, is nothing without
All I've got, all I've got are these photographs
Toodles! ,
Here's a little story I've gotta tell
'Bout this boy I know so well
Back in the day was cool and all
Fell in love, I fell in love
Thought he was the one for me
Other boys I could not see
And look what happened to our love
I'm like, how could it be?
It should have been me and you
It could have been you and me
But boy, you broke my heart and now I'm standing here
It should have been me and you
It could have been you and me
Now I look at all these photographs
All I've got, all I've got
All I've got are these photographs
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
Now baby, it's killing me
I'm saying it's killing me
The fact that you went around
Baby, I'm falling down
I need me a remedy
Been looking for remedies
I need you to be around
Baby, I'm hurting now
I know you're a better man
When I was your girl
This land is a better land
When you're in my world
Today will be better, babe
If it were like yesterday
So happy and lovely, hey, hey, hey
All I've got, all I've got
All I've got are these photographs
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
You, you
Got nothing without you
All I've got are these photographs
I remember when I used to make you laugh
I don't wanna be stuck in the past
But you're all that I have that I had
And I don't wanna lose what we built this far
This is me and you, you're my superstar
I'd give anything, baby, here's my heart
My heart, my heart
My heart don't stop, my heart be beating over
My loving never stop, even though that it's over
Girl, I've been reminiscing when I play that Casanova
Way back when we was kissing on your grand-mama's sofa
Girl I got us lovey-dovey on my photo album
I got them pictures back when I was rocking Calvin Klein
You had your Guess jeans on, looking sexy
Oh home girl, why could it not be the one?
Why? Why? Why?
(I am not the one)
Why? Why? Why?
(Why couldn't you be the one?)
Why? Why? Why?
(Why couldn't you be the one?)
Why? Why? Why?
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
All I've got, all I've got
Is nothing without you
You, you
Is nothing without you
You, you
Is nothing without you
All I've got, is nothing without
All I've got, is nothing without
All I've got, all I've got are these photographs
Toodles! ,
Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011
Mau sampe kapan ya Allah:'(
Masa subuh2 missed call gue 3x. Terus bbm gue "slamat sahurr". Terus nelfon gue minal aidin lalala dan masih comment2 foto gue di fb sama cowok....terus masih bbm gue make hug, masih manggil gue catwomen :'( aaaaaaa stop doooong gue tambah sayang sama lo udah dong udaaaaah
Mana tadi status gue ":(" terus disapa "knape sedih" gue jawab "gapapa" terus dibales "smangat! Bsk mau lebaran jg!" Gue jawab "insya Allah" (⌣́˛⌣̀) gimana mau semangat kalo seharusnya gue setiap hari lagi crita2 sama lo?
Gue capek tau ga, ga bbman sama lo kayak kita dulu. Gue capek banget ngeliat lo seneng sama yang lain sedangkan gue sedih2 mau move on tapi susahnya ya ampunnnn :( lo kenapa sih masih merhatiin gue? Oke lo maksud baik, kenapa sih gue masih pengen berharap lebih?
Njir sha labil bgt kemaren bilang semangat move on sekarang....gila ya, lo masih aja muncul2 di mimpi gue:( sayang banget gue sama lo pengen rasanya bbm
"Le, udah dong kaya gini:( udah dong cuek2annya udah dong stop dong bikin sama2 jealous kayak gini aku capek:( aku sayang banget sama kamu udah dong stop nyakitin aku. Aku tau aku salah tapi udah dong apa gabisa kita baik2 kayak dulu lagi? Aku kangen banget sama kamu aku kangen sama kita yang dulu:( kita udah mau setahun mungkin ini masa2 jenuh kita maklumin aja lah kita cuma butuh waktu sendiri2 gaperlu putus sampe kamu udah ada pengganti juga:( aku mau kita baik2 aja aku masih mau usaha buat kayak dulu lagi cuma aku udah gatau gimana jalan pikiran kamu:( udah dong stop dong kayak gininya aku juga mau move on tapi kenapa kamu kayak gini sih? Aku udah mulai cuek kamu yang perhatian:( udah dong udah aku sayang bangeeeeeet sama kamu udah dong le stop please:'("
Oke...too much :( maap yak gue curhat mulu. Ini udah mendingan kok cuma sedih karena kangen aja cuma udah ga ngarep balikan lagi. Life must go on. Dia udh milih jalannya, gue juga harus milih jalan gue.
Toodles! ,
Masa subuh2 missed call gue 3x. Terus bbm gue "slamat sahurr". Terus nelfon gue minal aidin lalala dan masih comment2 foto gue di fb sama cowok....terus masih bbm gue make hug, masih manggil gue catwomen :'( aaaaaaa stop doooong gue tambah sayang sama lo udah dong udaaaaah
Mana tadi status gue ":(" terus disapa "knape sedih" gue jawab "gapapa" terus dibales "smangat! Bsk mau lebaran jg!" Gue jawab "insya Allah" (⌣́˛⌣̀) gimana mau semangat kalo seharusnya gue setiap hari lagi crita2 sama lo?
Gue capek tau ga, ga bbman sama lo kayak kita dulu. Gue capek banget ngeliat lo seneng sama yang lain sedangkan gue sedih2 mau move on tapi susahnya ya ampunnnn :( lo kenapa sih masih merhatiin gue? Oke lo maksud baik, kenapa sih gue masih pengen berharap lebih?
Njir sha labil bgt kemaren bilang semangat move on sekarang....gila ya, lo masih aja muncul2 di mimpi gue:( sayang banget gue sama lo pengen rasanya bbm
"Le, udah dong kaya gini:( udah dong cuek2annya udah dong stop dong bikin sama2 jealous kayak gini aku capek:( aku sayang banget sama kamu udah dong stop nyakitin aku. Aku tau aku salah tapi udah dong apa gabisa kita baik2 kayak dulu lagi? Aku kangen banget sama kamu aku kangen sama kita yang dulu:( kita udah mau setahun mungkin ini masa2 jenuh kita maklumin aja lah kita cuma butuh waktu sendiri2 gaperlu putus sampe kamu udah ada pengganti juga:( aku mau kita baik2 aja aku masih mau usaha buat kayak dulu lagi cuma aku udah gatau gimana jalan pikiran kamu:( udah dong stop dong kayak gininya aku juga mau move on tapi kenapa kamu kayak gini sih? Aku udah mulai cuek kamu yang perhatian:( udah dong udah aku sayang bangeeeeeet sama kamu udah dong le stop please:'("
Oke...too much :( maap yak gue curhat mulu. Ini udah mendingan kok cuma sedih karena kangen aja cuma udah ga ngarep balikan lagi. Life must go on. Dia udh milih jalannya, gue juga harus milih jalan gue.
Toodles! ,
Senin, 29 Agustus 2011
Faiz udah frontal banget dengan hubungannya sama cewek itu. Nulis2 di twitter terus nulis nama dia di pm. Gila. Ini bener2 gila.
Dia gapernah stop nyalah2in gue. Gue emang salah at least gue mengakui, tapi kenapa dia ga bisa ngaca? Apa dia ga sadar balesan dia ke gue itu udah..too much?
Gue emang udah gapunya harga diri. Ngebegging cowok yang jelas2 menolak dan ngedorong gue lebih jauh. Dia mau gue untuk ga ganggu hubungan dia sama cewek itu. Ya ampun, gue ga kuat sumpah:')
Udah mau setahun. 9 oktober 2011 nanti gue seharusnya setahunan. Tanggalnya bagus ya 91011? Gue takut pada tanggal itu dia nembak cewek itu. Kalo misalnya jadian....gue gatau deh apa yang harus gue lakuin selanjutnya. Ga gampang ngelepasin orang yang udah bener2 nyatu di kehidupan lo selama 10 bulan lebih demi orang baru
Waktu, iklim, perasaan, wujud, pikiran..semuanya bisa berubah dalam waktu sedetik. Dia boleh ketawa karena gue udah menderita banget kayak gini. Tapi dia harus inget, setiap orang diberi hukuman 2x lipat dari Allah atas perbuatan mereka sebelumnya. Jujur aja gue kena karma, gue janji ga bakal gini lagi. Tapi dia? Hhhh mikirin besok gue masih idup aja engga (⌣́˛⌣̀)
Toodles! ,
Dia gapernah stop nyalah2in gue. Gue emang salah at least gue mengakui, tapi kenapa dia ga bisa ngaca? Apa dia ga sadar balesan dia ke gue itu udah..too much?
Gue emang udah gapunya harga diri. Ngebegging cowok yang jelas2 menolak dan ngedorong gue lebih jauh. Dia mau gue untuk ga ganggu hubungan dia sama cewek itu. Ya ampun, gue ga kuat sumpah:')
Udah mau setahun. 9 oktober 2011 nanti gue seharusnya setahunan. Tanggalnya bagus ya 91011? Gue takut pada tanggal itu dia nembak cewek itu. Kalo misalnya jadian....gue gatau deh apa yang harus gue lakuin selanjutnya. Ga gampang ngelepasin orang yang udah bener2 nyatu di kehidupan lo selama 10 bulan lebih demi orang baru
Waktu, iklim, perasaan, wujud, pikiran..semuanya bisa berubah dalam waktu sedetik. Dia boleh ketawa karena gue udah menderita banget kayak gini. Tapi dia harus inget, setiap orang diberi hukuman 2x lipat dari Allah atas perbuatan mereka sebelumnya. Jujur aja gue kena karma, gue janji ga bakal gini lagi. Tapi dia? Hhhh mikirin besok gue masih idup aja engga (⌣́˛⌣̀)
Toodles! ,
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
hey all!!!
abis galau nih, faiz mengaku dia suka sama si *peep* ah yasudahlah yang penting faiz bahagia. sorry tidak mengganggu kok tapi kenapa ya feeling gue kalo misalnya jadi tuh ga langgeng? udah sha stop ngegalaunya!!!
hnggg pengen cepet2 masuk sekolah biar bisa temu kangen sama semua temen2 gueee yang selalu setia setiap saat menghibur gue!!! makasih banget kepada manusia2 gila yang tadi ke rumah gue bikin gue nangis2 ketawa....aneh tapi kocak jadinya, mereka mengajarkan gue untuk berfikiran dalam sudut pandang lelaki (iyelah orang mereka cowok) -____-
ya intinya gue harus ikhlasin, just let him go and find another happiness :) mungkin faiz jenuh kali ya sama sifat gue dan gue harus introspeksi diri juga lah mungkin emang kenyataannya kalo putus itu pilihan terbaik buat berdua. lagian, perjalanan hidup kita semua masih panjang kan? :)
masih sayang sih, banget bangetaaaan cuma yaudah deh disimpen aja rasa sayangnya :) gue ga akan move on make cowok baru kok:) sorry im not that kind of girl. gue biasanya move on memakai.....gatau -_- gue sama mantan biasanya jijik tapi sekarang kagak hahahah labil. banget.
anywayyy gue pengen liat dia jadian, seunyu apa sih? ck shaaa sha masih kepo aja. oke stop. gue masih inget tuh janji dia pas gue kerumah dia "inget ya, kamu punyaku aku punyamu" and then he gave me a warm hug...sweet:") yaaaa kalo jodoh juga pasti Allah mengatur waktu, tempat, dan cerita untuk gue ketemu lagi di masa depan sama faiz.
apaan sih gue berasa mau bikin film how i met your mother -_- ih pengen deh jadi barney stinson bisa banget ya playernya without any heart broken! amazing banget dah pengen punya pacar se cool dia B-)
toodles! ,
abis galau nih, faiz mengaku dia suka sama si *peep* ah yasudahlah yang penting faiz bahagia. sorry tidak mengganggu kok tapi kenapa ya feeling gue kalo misalnya jadi tuh ga langgeng? udah sha stop ngegalaunya!!!
hnggg pengen cepet2 masuk sekolah biar bisa temu kangen sama semua temen2 gueee yang selalu setia setiap saat menghibur gue!!! makasih banget kepada manusia2 gila yang tadi ke rumah gue bikin gue nangis2 ketawa....aneh tapi kocak jadinya, mereka mengajarkan gue untuk berfikiran dalam sudut pandang lelaki (iyelah orang mereka cowok) -____-
ya intinya gue harus ikhlasin, just let him go and find another happiness :) mungkin faiz jenuh kali ya sama sifat gue dan gue harus introspeksi diri juga lah mungkin emang kenyataannya kalo putus itu pilihan terbaik buat berdua. lagian, perjalanan hidup kita semua masih panjang kan? :)
masih sayang sih, banget bangetaaaan cuma yaudah deh disimpen aja rasa sayangnya :) gue ga akan move on make cowok baru kok:) sorry im not that kind of girl. gue biasanya move on memakai.....gatau -_- gue sama mantan biasanya jijik tapi sekarang kagak hahahah labil. banget.
anywayyy gue pengen liat dia jadian, seunyu apa sih? ck shaaa sha masih kepo aja. oke stop. gue masih inget tuh janji dia pas gue kerumah dia "inget ya, kamu punyaku aku punyamu" and then he gave me a warm hug...sweet:") yaaaa kalo jodoh juga pasti Allah mengatur waktu, tempat, dan cerita untuk gue ketemu lagi di masa depan sama faiz.
apaan sih gue berasa mau bikin film how i met your mother -_- ih pengen deh jadi barney stinson bisa banget ya playernya without any heart broken! amazing banget dah pengen punya pacar se cool dia B-)
toodles! ,
Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011
Hey all
Gue capek....capek ngarep deh sumpah :( tapi gamau nyerah! Tapi kenyataan berkata lain:( gue kayanya udah mulai sakit2an gini deh ngeri banget gue galauin mantan sampe sakit.
Dari kemaren muntah2 terus, dan tadi muntah cuma darah gitu....takut deh. Dia main tarik ulur terus sama gue, gatau harus ngapain lagi. Sebentar bikin ngefly abis itu ngejatohin gue. Capek gue tiap hari dimainin kayak gini...tapi tetep sayang:(
Dan sekarang gue udah 1 jam lebih nyoba nelfonin cuma terus2an busy. Pusing kepala gue sumpah tapi yang sebelah kanan. Gila ga sehat banget gue kalo tiap hari kaya gini. Makan udh ga teratur dan dikit bgt sumpah, muntah2 terus tiap hari, pusing2 terus lah, dan yang paling parah.....ngeliatin ke layar hp menunggu keajaiban
Gaenak sumpah ngarepinnya. Bego sih gue cewek kok ngarep ya? Tapi kalo sayangnya udah beda susah sih, gue baru kali ini sampe segininya sama cowok. Sekarang gue ngetik gabisa napas sumpah pusing pala gue kepikirin dia mulu. Tiap bangun tidur rasanya masih hampa aja masih ada yang nyelekit.
Gue rasanya pengen robek perut gue terus liat apa sih yang bikin sesek biar gue buang. Gue pengen nyuci otak gue buat buang semua memori gue sama dia. Tapi gabisa, dan ga akan pernah bisa. Gue capek mikirin orang yang gapernah mikirin gue. Dia ga sadar seberapa besar pengorbanan gue buat lindungin dia.
Oke. Gue bukan cewek pamrih, at least hargain lah sedikiiiiit aja. Gue masih perhatian walaupun dia gapernah minta, gue masih kepikiran walaupun dia udah move on, gue masih belain dia walaupun semua orang ngomongin hal buruk tentang dia, gue masih siapin tangan buat nyiapin diri kalo dia terjatuh. Gue akan selalu ada buat dia. Itu yang gue capek, sampe kapan sha?
Toodles! ,
Gue capek....capek ngarep deh sumpah :( tapi gamau nyerah! Tapi kenyataan berkata lain:( gue kayanya udah mulai sakit2an gini deh ngeri banget gue galauin mantan sampe sakit.
Dari kemaren muntah2 terus, dan tadi muntah cuma darah gitu....takut deh. Dia main tarik ulur terus sama gue, gatau harus ngapain lagi. Sebentar bikin ngefly abis itu ngejatohin gue. Capek gue tiap hari dimainin kayak gini...tapi tetep sayang:(
Dan sekarang gue udah 1 jam lebih nyoba nelfonin cuma terus2an busy. Pusing kepala gue sumpah tapi yang sebelah kanan. Gila ga sehat banget gue kalo tiap hari kaya gini. Makan udh ga teratur dan dikit bgt sumpah, muntah2 terus tiap hari, pusing2 terus lah, dan yang paling parah.....ngeliatin ke layar hp menunggu keajaiban
Gaenak sumpah ngarepinnya. Bego sih gue cewek kok ngarep ya? Tapi kalo sayangnya udah beda susah sih, gue baru kali ini sampe segininya sama cowok. Sekarang gue ngetik gabisa napas sumpah pusing pala gue kepikirin dia mulu. Tiap bangun tidur rasanya masih hampa aja masih ada yang nyelekit.
Gue rasanya pengen robek perut gue terus liat apa sih yang bikin sesek biar gue buang. Gue pengen nyuci otak gue buat buang semua memori gue sama dia. Tapi gabisa, dan ga akan pernah bisa. Gue capek mikirin orang yang gapernah mikirin gue. Dia ga sadar seberapa besar pengorbanan gue buat lindungin dia.
Oke. Gue bukan cewek pamrih, at least hargain lah sedikiiiiit aja. Gue masih perhatian walaupun dia gapernah minta, gue masih kepikiran walaupun dia udah move on, gue masih belain dia walaupun semua orang ngomongin hal buruk tentang dia, gue masih siapin tangan buat nyiapin diri kalo dia terjatuh. Gue akan selalu ada buat dia. Itu yang gue capek, sampe kapan sha?
Toodles! ,
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
sebenernya semingguannya tuh kemaren...
seminggu setelah kau pergi
teman silih berganti menghiburku
berkata semua teratasi
kan terus sembunyi di balik senyum palsu
ku dengar dirimu tak sendiri lagi
betapa hancurnya hati jiwaku
setahun setelah kau pergi
ku masih sembunyi di balik senyum palsu
ku dengar dirimu tak sendiri lagi
betapa hancurnya hati jiwaku
betapa hancurnya, na na na na naaa
tolong bantu aku melewati semua, uuu
Betapa - Sheila on 7
Toodles! ,
teman silih berganti menghiburku
berkata semua teratasi
kan terus sembunyi di balik senyum palsu
ku dengar dirimu tak sendiri lagi
betapa hancurnya hati jiwaku
setahun setelah kau pergi
ku masih sembunyi di balik senyum palsu
ku dengar dirimu tak sendiri lagi
betapa hancurnya hati jiwaku
betapa hancurnya, na na na na naaa
tolong bantu aku melewati semua, uuu
Betapa - Sheila on 7
Toodles! ,
Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011
moving on in progress
Hey all! Baru balik nih dari latian cheers :D
Tadi pagi gue ga sengaja kebangun pagi. Gue suka gitu deh tidur malem bgt bangun pagi2 gituuu soalnya kepikiran sama mimpiin faiz terus:( bangun2 tuh ya rasanya nyesekkkkk banget udah sabar aja gue terus yaudah kan mandi siap2 buat latian cheers di sekolah
Pas gue nyampe terus ga beberapa lama mahda dateng, terus gue curhat deh ga sengaja nangis lagi:( masa katanya gue kurusan...iyalah orang jarang makan gara2 galau sabar aja deh gue. Semalem tuh gue ngirim vn ke temen gue gitu nyanyi lagu never again - justin timberlake, katanya suara gue bagus!! Yes abis mendalami banget parrrrah gue nyanyi hampir nangis
Ya intinya dari awal gue putus sampe sekarang, semua temen2 gue ngedukung gue buat melupakan semua hal yang menyakitkan. Ga ada yang nyuruh gue benci sama faiz kok:) gue boleh sayang sama dia tapi gue harus move on juga! Gue seneng banget semalem dikirimin foto sama alya tulisannya "stay strong irisha" terus ada kiss gitu hehhe aduuuuh sayang banget gue sama semua temen gue. Temen smp lah, temen sma lah mereka selalu ada buat gue gitu....ya ampun terharu deh gue ternyata masih banyak banget orang yang sayang sama gue. Mau cewek sama cowok nasehatin gue kalo ga baik gue terus2an bilang mau mati aja, kata mereka "kita sayang lo sha, tenang aja sha! We'll always got your back!" How sweet:')
Nah sekarang gue mau menghindari hal2 yang ngingetin gue ke faiz. Berat banget parah gitu. Cuma gue satu2nya orang yang ngedukung diri gue sendiri buat sad (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩ƪ) ya gue tetep aja gamau nyumpahin faiz aneh2 karena gue sayaaaaaaaaaang banget sama faiz ({}) sebenernya gue yakin gue masih bisa balikan tapi yaudah lah perjalanan hidup gue masih panjang, jodoh juga ga ada yang tau kan? Siapa tau jodoh gue faiz! Amin amin amiiiiin
Toodles! ,
Tadi pagi gue ga sengaja kebangun pagi. Gue suka gitu deh tidur malem bgt bangun pagi2 gituuu soalnya kepikiran sama mimpiin faiz terus:( bangun2 tuh ya rasanya nyesekkkkk banget udah sabar aja gue terus yaudah kan mandi siap2 buat latian cheers di sekolah
Pas gue nyampe terus ga beberapa lama mahda dateng, terus gue curhat deh ga sengaja nangis lagi:( masa katanya gue kurusan...iyalah orang jarang makan gara2 galau sabar aja deh gue. Semalem tuh gue ngirim vn ke temen gue gitu nyanyi lagu never again - justin timberlake, katanya suara gue bagus!! Yes abis mendalami banget parrrrah gue nyanyi hampir nangis
Ya intinya dari awal gue putus sampe sekarang, semua temen2 gue ngedukung gue buat melupakan semua hal yang menyakitkan. Ga ada yang nyuruh gue benci sama faiz kok:) gue boleh sayang sama dia tapi gue harus move on juga! Gue seneng banget semalem dikirimin foto sama alya tulisannya "stay strong irisha" terus ada kiss gitu hehhe aduuuuh sayang banget gue sama semua temen gue. Temen smp lah, temen sma lah mereka selalu ada buat gue gitu....ya ampun terharu deh gue ternyata masih banyak banget orang yang sayang sama gue. Mau cewek sama cowok nasehatin gue kalo ga baik gue terus2an bilang mau mati aja, kata mereka "kita sayang lo sha, tenang aja sha! We'll always got your back!" How sweet:')
Nah sekarang gue mau menghindari hal2 yang ngingetin gue ke faiz. Berat banget parah gitu. Cuma gue satu2nya orang yang ngedukung diri gue sendiri buat sad (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩ƪ) ya gue tetep aja gamau nyumpahin faiz aneh2 karena gue sayaaaaaaaaaang banget sama faiz ({}) sebenernya gue yakin gue masih bisa balikan tapi yaudah lah perjalanan hidup gue masih panjang, jodoh juga ga ada yang tau kan? Siapa tau jodoh gue faiz! Amin amin amiiiiin
Toodles! ,
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
Faiz selingkuh. Yaudahlah ya udh kebaca kok. Dia deket sama cewek ini 2 mingguan otpan mulu tiap hari. Biarin aja deh mungkin ini yang bisa bikin faiz seneng:)
Gue sih ga cemburu, ya buat apa dia sama gue ga bahagia? Gue cuma berharap ini cewek ga ngecewain faiz, sayang sama dia terus bisa langgeng :) gue gamau nyumpahin faiz karena gue emang sayangggg banget sama dia
Susah sih buat nerima kenyataan cuma apa yang lebih indah daripada mengikhlaskan? Lagian gue udah having a lot of good times sama faiz :) he's the best!!! Semoga dia bahagiaaaa gue mau faiz bahagia :) gunduleleku sudah move on hehhehe
Yaudah deh gamau lanjut lagi, takut nangis keinget :) masih sayang banget nih...gawat....#np Mudah Saja - Sheila on deng lebay tapi gue seneng faiz akhirnya bisa bahagia :') gue emang gapernah bisa menjadi yang terbaik buat dia
Toodles! ,
Gue sih ga cemburu, ya buat apa dia sama gue ga bahagia? Gue cuma berharap ini cewek ga ngecewain faiz, sayang sama dia terus bisa langgeng :) gue gamau nyumpahin faiz karena gue emang sayangggg banget sama dia
Susah sih buat nerima kenyataan cuma apa yang lebih indah daripada mengikhlaskan? Lagian gue udah having a lot of good times sama faiz :) he's the best!!! Semoga dia bahagiaaaa gue mau faiz bahagia :) gunduleleku sudah move on hehhehe
Yaudah deh gamau lanjut lagi, takut nangis keinget :) masih sayang banget nih...gawat....#np Mudah Saja - Sheila on deng lebay tapi gue seneng faiz akhirnya bisa bahagia :') gue emang gapernah bisa menjadi yang terbaik buat dia
Toodles! ,
Senin, 22 Agustus 2011
4 days...
Hey, udah 4 hari gue nangis dari bangun pagi sampe ketiduran. Susah nerima kenyataan kalo gue udah putus sama faiz. Gue sayang paraaaaah sama faiz dan mungkin gue satu satunya cewek yang anggep faiz mantan terindah...iyalah orang mereka bego gabisa bikin faiz klepek klepek HAHA canda.
Bisa gila gue nangisin dia mulu...ampe tadi gue roll depan sambil nangis di apartment vicky HAHAHA anak gila. Aduh gimana nih pengen nangis lagi :' faiz gamau balikan.............................rasanya pengen terjun ke kali ciliwung.. Oke ga elit hmmmm brooklyn bridge deh.
Waktu minggu: gue kan vilmer, terus sepanjang vilmer gue chat sama faiz ga kuat akhirnya nangis...jir malu bgt vania diem doaaang terus pas pulang dia bbm "sha maaf ya tadi gue cuma bisa diem doang, gatega gue sha ngeliat lo" terus sepanjang 4 hari gue cuma bisa ngurung diri di kamar dengerin lagu galau...alamat bunuh diri
Terus tadi gue ga sekolah ga kuat bangun, pagi pagi kerasanya kosong. Kehilangan. Gue nangis lagi, gimana ya..gue soalnya gapernah kayak gini sama mantan terus di pi gue nangis ampe tata esti sama vicky diem aja, di apt vicky....udah total gue nangisnya makin ga tega aja mereka ngeliat gue. Teman yang baik membiarkan gue menangis dan dengerin uneg uneg gue :')
Terus oiya! Tadi pagi gue nelfon dito, anjiiiir makin banjir hmm secara dia cowok ya pasti dia ngerti faiz gimana cuma....gila gue masih ga nyangka banget gue putus final sama dia ya maksud gue..siapa sih yang nyangka? Semua orang yang denger aja juga kaget..apalagi gue?
Sekarang gue udah ga ngomong lagi sama dia, gue kangen semua hal yang gue sering lakuin sama dia. Semua vnnya gue dengerin...semua video alay isengan gue sama dia gue tonton. Gue gatau harus gimana, gue gamau move on. Ga akan. Biarin aja dia move on tapi gue gamau...gue sayang banget sama faiz:( mata gue udah bengkak banget parrrrrah makin males makan kepala udah begah banget pusing ga nanggung tidur aja gabisa saking pusingnya..
Gue cuma bisa berharap yang terbaik aja, kalo emang ini jalannya yaudah dengan seiring waktu berjalan gue pasti akan bisa menerima walaupun berat bagi gue. Nyokap gue juga ga tega sama gue adek gue juga...perhatian sekali :')
Baru kali ini diperhatiin adek gue, masa dia ngomong ke sodara gue "aku ga tega deh sama mbak ting, dia dari kemaren nangis terus di kamar gamau keluar gamau makan" (⌣́˛⌣̀) mau mati rasanya.
Toodles! ,
Bisa gila gue nangisin dia mulu...ampe tadi gue roll depan sambil nangis di apartment vicky HAHAHA anak gila. Aduh gimana nih pengen nangis lagi :' faiz gamau balikan.............................rasanya pengen terjun ke kali ciliwung.. Oke ga elit hmmmm brooklyn bridge deh.
Waktu minggu: gue kan vilmer, terus sepanjang vilmer gue chat sama faiz ga kuat akhirnya nangis...jir malu bgt vania diem doaaang terus pas pulang dia bbm "sha maaf ya tadi gue cuma bisa diem doang, gatega gue sha ngeliat lo" terus sepanjang 4 hari gue cuma bisa ngurung diri di kamar dengerin lagu galau...alamat bunuh diri
Terus tadi gue ga sekolah ga kuat bangun, pagi pagi kerasanya kosong. Kehilangan. Gue nangis lagi, gimana ya..gue soalnya gapernah kayak gini sama mantan terus di pi gue nangis ampe tata esti sama vicky diem aja, di apt vicky....udah total gue nangisnya makin ga tega aja mereka ngeliat gue. Teman yang baik membiarkan gue menangis dan dengerin uneg uneg gue :')
Terus oiya! Tadi pagi gue nelfon dito, anjiiiir makin banjir hmm secara dia cowok ya pasti dia ngerti faiz gimana cuma....gila gue masih ga nyangka banget gue putus final sama dia ya maksud gue..siapa sih yang nyangka? Semua orang yang denger aja juga kaget..apalagi gue?
Sekarang gue udah ga ngomong lagi sama dia, gue kangen semua hal yang gue sering lakuin sama dia. Semua vnnya gue dengerin...semua video alay isengan gue sama dia gue tonton. Gue gatau harus gimana, gue gamau move on. Ga akan. Biarin aja dia move on tapi gue gamau...gue sayang banget sama faiz:( mata gue udah bengkak banget parrrrrah makin males makan kepala udah begah banget pusing ga nanggung tidur aja gabisa saking pusingnya..
Gue cuma bisa berharap yang terbaik aja, kalo emang ini jalannya yaudah dengan seiring waktu berjalan gue pasti akan bisa menerima walaupun berat bagi gue. Nyokap gue juga ga tega sama gue adek gue juga...perhatian sekali :')
Baru kali ini diperhatiin adek gue, masa dia ngomong ke sodara gue "aku ga tega deh sama mbak ting, dia dari kemaren nangis terus di kamar gamau keluar gamau makan" (⌣́˛⌣̀) mau mati rasanya.
Toodles! ,
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
Galau time
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer and when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bare my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
Toodles! ,
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer and when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bare my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
Toodles! ,
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011
is it the time?
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't post anything, and now I wanna share something that really clouding up in my head since 2 days ago.
Well, I broke up with my boyfriend. He dumped me. That's the worst thing. Aaaand I can't get over him :'D I love him more than much, more than him. I love him more than i love myself.
Being together with him for over 10 months is the greatest gift that God had planned me to heal my broken heart (read my post on july-sept 2010..what a shame). He's more than a boyfriend that everyone could ever imagine. He's my bestfriend, my father, my brother, my son, and he meant everything to me. Losing him feels like half of my breath were taken away.
And now I'm a bit stressed out, because I've never imagine how my life would be without him. Now I'm in this situation so yea, I'm screwed. I lost 6 pounds. I never wanna eat since then. Well not necessary, just 5 spoons of rice and stuffs then I go back to bed. I listened to all of my sadsong in my BigMac and sing it out loud like nobody noticed me.
I just hope everything will be back to normal. Ughh I hate myself! Okay....I need to be alone now, gbye!
Toodles! ,
Well, I broke up with my boyfriend. He dumped me. That's the worst thing. Aaaand I can't get over him :'D I love him more than much, more than him. I love him more than i love myself.
Being together with him for over 10 months is the greatest gift that God had planned me to heal my broken heart (read my post on july-sept 2010..what a shame). He's more than a boyfriend that everyone could ever imagine. He's my bestfriend, my father, my brother, my son, and he meant everything to me. Losing him feels like half of my breath were taken away.
And now I'm a bit stressed out, because I've never imagine how my life would be without him. Now I'm in this situation so yea, I'm screwed. I lost 6 pounds. I never wanna eat since then. Well not necessary, just 5 spoons of rice and stuffs then I go back to bed. I listened to all of my sadsong in my BigMac and sing it out loud like nobody noticed me.
I just hope everything will be back to normal. Ughh I hate myself! Okay....I need to be alone now, gbye!
Toodles! ,
Jumat, 22 Juli 2011
dear F,
You're the best boyfriend I've ever had. Even tho you hurt me badly, I will always accept your apology. I just realized how much you love me no matter what, but I'm just another asshole that makes you feel like you're an LBR.
Everytime we had a big fight, I always spill all of my bad thoughts about you. But you never did. I always screaming in front of your face, which you never did to me. But today.....sorry, I mean yesterday at 23:20 pm....I punched your arms and trying so hard to gave you a bitch slap....yelling at you...punching your dashboard...grabbed your sleeves and prepared to puch you in the face (but I didn't do it, because its too much if I did it)...but still, you didn't do anything. You were just kept yourself in mute. Staring at me with those eyes that had hurt inside, but didn't try to stop me. He just let me hurt him, as long as I'm happy with that.
All I'm saying selfish am I? HE LOVES ME! But I've never realized it until today.....oh God, I really feel sorry about him!
Everytime we had a big fight, I always spill all of my bad thoughts about you. But you never did. I always screaming in front of your face, which you never did to me. But today.....sorry, I mean yesterday at 23:20 pm....I punched your arms and trying so hard to gave you a bitch slap....yelling at you...punching your dashboard...grabbed your sleeves and prepared to puch you in the face (but I didn't do it, because its too much if I did it)...but still, you didn't do anything. You were just kept yourself in mute. Staring at me with those eyes that had hurt inside, but didn't try to stop me. He just let me hurt him, as long as I'm happy with that.
All I'm saying selfish am I? HE LOVES ME! But I've never realized it until today.....oh God, I really feel sorry about him!
Senin, 18 Juli 2011
(´._.`)\('́⌣'̀ )
Punya pacar berasa gapunya, ditelfon aja udah gapernah, di mention/di wall aja udah gapernah. Diperhatiin aja jarang, datar banget lah lama2 makin sama aja kayak mantan gue : classic dan membosankan. Sabar ajadeh gue, berdoa suatu saat nanti Allah mendengar doa gue yang selalu gue pengenin dari dulu bgt.
Toodles! ,
Toodles! ,
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
7 months and stuff
sup erryone?
hell yeah, happy anniversary to my beloved MUHAMMAD FAIZ ABDURRAHMAN! well, it used to be yesterday but i forgot to post it :p
i just wanna say hey to my blog! its been a long long time i havent post any of my stories to share since i had my tumblr *pshh dont tell my blog! it might get jealous :p* LOL. well just check out my tumblr ----> ITS LEGGO!
aaaaaanddd i dont know what im goin to share here...anyway, im off from school for 2 days! yeayyyyy! so excited even tho just for 2 days, can you guys imagine that? free from school stuffs that made me wanna puke on my chemical and physic text book, yuck!
by the way...wish me luck for everything especially passing grade and go to science class! talk to you later bloggers!
toodles! ,
hell yeah, happy anniversary to my beloved MUHAMMAD FAIZ ABDURRAHMAN! well, it used to be yesterday but i forgot to post it :p
i just wanna say hey to my blog! its been a long long time i havent post any of my stories to share since i had my tumblr *pshh dont tell my blog! it might get jealous :p* LOL. well just check out my tumblr ----> ITS LEGGO!
aaaaaanddd i dont know what im goin to share here...anyway, im off from school for 2 days! yeayyyyy! so excited even tho just for 2 days, can you guys imagine that? free from school stuffs that made me wanna puke on my chemical and physic text book, yuck!
by the way...wish me luck for everything especially passing grade and go to science class! talk to you later bloggers!
toodles! ,
Senin, 24 Januari 2011
this song is dedicated to my boyfie, muhammad faiz abdurrahman☺♥
shawty's love is like a pyramid
we stand together till the very end
there'll never be another love for sure
iyaz and charice here we go
stones heavy like the love you've shown
solid as the ground we've known
and i just wanna carry on
we took it from the bottom up
and even in a desert storm
sturdy as a rock we hold
wishing every moment froze
now i just wanna let you know
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
cold never ever when you're close
we will never let it fall
a story that was never told
something like a mystery
and every step we've took we grown
look how fast the time has flown
a journey to the place unknown
we're going down in history
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid girl i'ma show you
that i love you so much that we're gonna get through
even when it storms i will never go
i'ma be the one to keep you safe
before was a love i care more than enough
holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough
mother nature, or disaster won't stop our happy ever after
pyramid... keep it going...
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
► Pyramid - Cherice ft. Iyaz
toodles! ,
we stand together till the very end
there'll never be another love for sure
iyaz and charice here we go
stones heavy like the love you've shown
solid as the ground we've known
and i just wanna carry on
we took it from the bottom up
and even in a desert storm
sturdy as a rock we hold
wishing every moment froze
now i just wanna let you know
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
cold never ever when you're close
we will never let it fall
a story that was never told
something like a mystery
and every step we've took we grown
look how fast the time has flown
a journey to the place unknown
we're going down in history
earthquakes can't shake us
cyclones can't break us
hurricanes can't take away our love
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid girl i'ma show you
that i love you so much that we're gonna get through
even when it storms i will never go
i'ma be the one to keep you safe
before was a love i care more than enough
holding on to one another be the cover when it's rough
mother nature, or disaster won't stop our happy ever after
pyramid... keep it going...
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep on goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
pyramid, we've built this on a solid rock
it feels just like it's heaven's touch
together at the top (at the top baby) like a pyramid
and even when the wind is blowin
we'll never fall just keep it goin
forever we will stay like a pyramid
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
like a pyramid, like a pyramid hey
► Pyramid - Cherice ft. Iyaz
toodles! ,
Minggu, 23 Januari 2011
I'm so scared if one day you'll find someone better than me
Why am I so afraid of losing YOU?
Am I pretty enough to be your girl?
Am I tall enough?
Does my waist look perfect to put your arms on it?
Does my legs are long and toned enough to wear a heels?
Does my hair look outstanding?
Does my eyes hypnotize you?
Does my lips are soft enough to give you a kiss?
But the most important is...
Will you still love me if my hair turns grey?
Will you still love me if I gain a lil weight?
Will you still love me if I always make you feel miserable?
Will you still love me if I've made a big mistake?
Will you still love when I'm gone like....forever?
And will you try love me again....
If one day you wake up and found out that you don't have a strength to love me anymore?
Toodles! ,
Why am I so afraid of losing YOU?
Am I pretty enough to be your girl?
Am I tall enough?
Does my waist look perfect to put your arms on it?
Does my legs are long and toned enough to wear a heels?
Does my hair look outstanding?
Does my eyes hypnotize you?
Does my lips are soft enough to give you a kiss?
But the most important is...
Will you still love me if my hair turns grey?
Will you still love me if I gain a lil weight?
Will you still love me if I always make you feel miserable?
Will you still love me if I've made a big mistake?
Will you still love when I'm gone like....forever?
And will you try love me again....
If one day you wake up and found out that you don't have a strength to love me anymore?
Toodles! ,
Senin, 10 Januari 2011
Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you

i love you...muhammad faiz abdurrahman♡
toodles! ,
Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you

i love you...muhammad faiz abdurrahman♡
toodles! ,
Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011
dear faiz
Leeee 30 menit lagi tanggal 9 heheh 3 bulanan nih kita:*
Seneng deh gue akhirnya bisa juga awet sama cowok!!!! Ih seneng bangeeeeet maaf norak tapi serius, faiz itu cowok terlama gue.
Tiada hari tanpa kepikiran faiz, faiz, dan faiz. Gue ga masalah kalo waktu gue kesita buat dia, soalnya menurut gue ya dia tuh worth it aja buat gue habisin waktu :) gue sayang banget sama dia ya Allah semoga longlast amin aminnnnn :')
Tapi tunggu dulu.... Ada syarat2nya nih...
Le, jangan sering sering berantem ya :) aku sayang banget sama kamuuuu hehe inget ga janji kamu "aku bakal tetep jagain kamu" terus inget kan le kalo lagi brantem kita harus selesain masalah baik2? Gamake emosi lagi? Ehehe maaf ya leee kita brantem mulu, maaf ya aku pernah boongin kamu yang tentang 2 minggu lalala itu tapi please dong le jangan cemburuan :'( iyasih jujur aja sebenernya................GUE JUGA CEMBURU SAMA LO!!! Haha guenya aja kayak babi sok stay cool padahal hati miris
Yaudah intinya, aku sayang sama kamu, semoga kita longlast, dan jangan sering sering branteeeeeeem dan aku gamau buat kamu kecewa lagi, oke????
Selamat 3 bulanan, muhammad faiz abdurrahman <3
toodles! ,
Seneng deh gue akhirnya bisa juga awet sama cowok!!!! Ih seneng bangeeeeet maaf norak tapi serius, faiz itu cowok terlama gue.
Tiada hari tanpa kepikiran faiz, faiz, dan faiz. Gue ga masalah kalo waktu gue kesita buat dia, soalnya menurut gue ya dia tuh worth it aja buat gue habisin waktu :) gue sayang banget sama dia ya Allah semoga longlast amin aminnnnn :')
Tapi tunggu dulu.... Ada syarat2nya nih...
Le, jangan sering sering berantem ya :) aku sayang banget sama kamuuuu hehe inget ga janji kamu "aku bakal tetep jagain kamu" terus inget kan le kalo lagi brantem kita harus selesain masalah baik2? Gamake emosi lagi? Ehehe maaf ya leee kita brantem mulu, maaf ya aku pernah boongin kamu yang tentang 2 minggu lalala itu tapi please dong le jangan cemburuan :'( iyasih jujur aja sebenernya................GUE JUGA CEMBURU SAMA LO!!! Haha guenya aja kayak babi sok stay cool padahal hati miris
Yaudah intinya, aku sayang sama kamu, semoga kita longlast, dan jangan sering sering branteeeeeeem dan aku gamau buat kamu kecewa lagi, oke????
Selamat 3 bulanan, muhammad faiz abdurrahman <3
toodles! ,
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