Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

welcoming july and my weirdest dream o.O

Hey folks!

Semalem gue begadang boy jadi udah welkam lah ya sama bulan juli. Hmmm gue cuma berharap semoga bulan juli ini di sma 3 jakarta (sma gue yang baru) mosnya ga bikin bete. Bisa nahan emosi. Semoga gue bisa makin serius belajar di kelas. Semoga kakak kelas gantengnya sering lewat (ha...ha...HA!). Dan semoga lovelife gue semakin lancar deh :( soalnya gue udah males nunggu nunggu mulu terus kan katanya dia janji gitu mau jalan awas aja kalo sekali lagi gajadi! Udah deh gue tinggal aja abis kesel gila digantungin mulu udah 4 bulan oy! Gue takutnya ntar dia bisa suka2 lagi mentang2 gue bukan siapa siapanya dia haaaaaa gamau!!!!!! Egois

Terus ini tentang mimpi deh sekarang. Masa kan semalem gue mimpi indah campur random tapi berakhir na'as. Pertama kan gue ceritanya lagi jalan kan sama R cuma ceritanya dia make seragam putih abu2 sma sedangkan gue putih biru smp. Kita jalan sambil gandengan tangan gitu ke suatu tempat yang gue gatau ada dimana. Tapi disana banyak banget cewek2 cantik sma gitu jalan terus di depan gue sama R. Tapi gilirang ada cewek yang cantik banget dia ngelepas genggaman tangan gue terus jalan lebih cepet dan ngobrol2 sama cewek cantik itu. Jadi gue ditinggal sendirian di belakang. Tapi giliran ceweknya pergi dia balik lagi ke gue. Seneng sih sama R cuma....kenapa jadi gini? Ada yang bisa menafsirkan mimpi? Soalnya gue takut deja vu! Serius nih gue takut banget kayak gitu :(

toodles! ,

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

27 things i'd do IF you're my boyfriend

1. for God's sake, this time im gonna be faithful
2. wont be over protective
3. pinch your chubby cheek if you do something stupid
4. make you smile when you're down
5. put on a silly face, if you're way too serious
6. cherish every moment we've been through
7. stare at your eyes when we're talking
8. shake your hair
9. sing even if i cant
10.smile a lot
11.always try to make you laugh
12.text you every night to say "goodnight my dear, sleep tight!"
13.my hand will always find your hand
14.take a crazy pics
15.write "R" on my wrist every day
16.tell how much i love you every day
17.tell how much i'm gonna miss you every end of conversation
18.never wear too much make up, just natural
19.share all of my dreams and stories
20.never run out of love
21.battle dance with you, even tho you can dance better than me
22.believe on everything you do
23.appreciate you
24.make an apology when i did anything wrong
25.never let you down
26.always tell the truth, even if its ugly
27.love you just the way you are

why 27 things? why not 24? my favorite number?
because 27 is date of his birthday so i think it's gonna be special

toodles! ,

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

sekolah dan toys story 3

halo semuanya!

tadi dong gue sekolah ehe seneng deh bisa ketemu lagi sama temen temen GDZN, tadi kan di sekolah pada ngambil buku BT, foto farewell, sama foto wisuda gitu. dan foto gue...GA BANGET! gendut banget gue disitu sumpah cuma bisa bikin gue malu harus diet mati matian nih gue udah gembrot banget ga nahan!

terus kan tadi gue ngegaul di gading sama vicky inong hanim dito kan rencananya kita mau notnon toys story 3 kan, berhubung film dimulainya baru jam 16.20 yaudah kita muter muter dulu aja. terus gue ke foodhall dulu mau beli minum, tadinya sih mau redbull cuma kok ga napsu ya -_- and and and akhirnya pilihan jatuh kepada minuman kola australia! enak deh soda soda gitu cuma botolnya aja yang kayak botol beer jadi kesannya gue tuh kewl abitch B)

terus pas filmnya mulai udah kan tuh kita duduk duduk dulu notnon film pendek ga jelas gitu. terus kan gue mau minum, eh botolnya susssaaaaah banget dibukanya. jadi gue cengo dulu baru deh inong yang paling perkasa bisa bukainnya, unyuuu. terus udah kan pas nonton agak ngakak dulu apalagi pas ada kata kata "terimakasih ken si pria berpakaian necis" hahaha NECIS! kenapa harus necis? terus gitu deh seru pokoknya lo nonton aja

udah ah gatau lagi ngomong apa, hmmmm

toodles! ,

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Each Tear - Mary J Blige

There’s something that I want to say,
But I feel like don’t know how.
Still I just can’t hold it one more day,
So I think I let it out.

You’re on my mind more than I may sure
You’re in my heart more than you may know

And the last thing that I want,
Is to you to fall apart.
To you I will be clearer,
I want you to remember.

In each tear
there’s a lesson, (there’s a lesson)
Make you wiser than before ( wiser)
Makes you stronger than you know (stronger)
In each tear (each tear)
Bring you closer to your dreams
No mistake, no heartbreak
Can take away what your meant to be

We can’t change the things,
That we done that’s in the past.
But fighting won’t get us anyway.
So if you want, Here’s my hand
Every night there is one thing I do
I bow my head and pray for you (pray for you)
And the last thing that I want,
Is for you to fall apart
To you I will be clearer
I want you to remember

In each tear
there’s a lesson, (there’s a lesson)
Makes you wiser than before (wiser)
Makes you stronger than you know (stronger)
In each tear (each tear)
Bring you closer to your dreams
No mistake, no heartbreak
Can take away what your meant to be

Your much more than a struggle that you go trough
From nine till five I open things so let it go
You’ re not a victim, your more like a winner
And you’re not defeat you’ re more like a queen

In each tear
there’s a lesson,
Makes you wiser than before
Makes you stronger than you know (stronger than you know)
In each tear ( in each tear)
Bring you closer to your dreams
No mistake, no heartbreak
Can take away what your meant to be

In each tear (each tear)
there’s a lesson, (there’s a lesson)
Makes you wiser than before (wiser)
Makes you stronger than you know
In each tear ( Make you so much broke )
Bring you closer to your dreams
No mistake, no heartbreak
Can take away what your meant to be

No no we can’t be held out
No no oh noo I I I can’t held out
You you you can’t be held out
We we we can’t be held out

It makes you so much stronger (stronger)
It makes you so much wiser (wiser)
In each tear (in each tear)
And You so close to your dreams and no dreams
No mistake, no heartbreak can’t take away you’re meant to be

toodles! ,

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010


Hey guys whassup?

Gue mau cerita tentang kehebohan diri gue dan gue mengaku kalo gue itu stalker dan dengan berat hati gue mengaku kalo gue orangnya cemburuan dan pengecut. Bisa dibilang gue mendekati sampah....oh tunggu, gue EMANG sampah

Pertama oke lo tau lah ya gue lagi deket sama R. The bad news is gue udah tau 3 dari sekian mantan2nya yang bejibun itu. Daan setelah gue teliti (gue stalker sejati) gue dapet 3 nama mantan2nya yang *ehem* CANTIK SEMUA (brb kecewa)

Kalo yang pertama (sebut saja E) oke si R udah lama pernah curhat tentang E yang masya Allah over protective banget kayak seorang ibu ibu kelas atas yang melarang anaknya salah gaul. Contact cewek dihapus, gaboleh trima telfon cewek, hp harus ceweknya yang megang, semua job fotografi dan modelnya disuruh ditolak! Parah banget. Dan kabarnya, mereka pasangan putus nyambung 2,5 tahun *GULP* dan putus hampir satu tahun yang lalu

Yang bulan lalu gue ketahui namanya K, dia ini lebih tua daripada si R (belakangan ini gue sadar, mantan R rata rata lebih tua daripada umurnya!) Makin minder karena gue jaug dari tipe dan sepertinya gue cewek paling muda T.T menyedihkan. Oiya gue tau ini cewek karena R pernah cerita ini cewek nyanyi lagu never again pas mereka putus dan si R pas ngeliat video ini di youtube hampir nangis dan setelah gue search di youtube ketemu dan pas gue buka fbnya....cantik sodara sodara + suaranya bagus. Oke makin minder lagi

Nah yang baru aja gue ketahui sekarang adalah....FINALIS GOGIRL 2010! Liat aja nomer 20 kan gogirl gue ilang terus gue minta tolong vania liatin. Terus namanya si D nah dia gada fb cuma punya twitter. Pas gue liat avatarnya....CANTIK BANGET! Tai gue makin minder parah,badannya bagus, 164cm 49 kg tahun 93 T.T seumuran kakak gue ya Allah gue mah gada apa apanya dibanding cewek ini

Dan sekarang gue ngepost dari hp, jadi ngetik tangan gue agak gemeteran (lebay parah) cuma gue pengen jujur aja disini. Gue pengen sharing aja apa yang gue rasain kepada orang orang yang udah baca blog gue. Gue makasih banget lo semua udah baca sampah sampah gue

Gue berpikiran....apa gue ngundurin diri aja ya? Pertama... Gue udah ga sesuai kriteria cewek dia banget, rambut panjang (sekarang rambut gue pendek), kulit hitam eksotis (gue hitam buluk), mukanya manis (gue kayak pengemis), dan dia suka cewek big boobs (gue kayak papan selancar)

Kok miris banget ya? Kok dia bisa naksir ya sama gue? (JIAH PEDE) eh tapi serius....apa kelebihan gue dibanding mereka? Apa yang dia liat dari gue? Apa yang bisa buat dia jatuh cinta? Apa yang membuat cowok yang susah-mampus-jatuh-cinta kayak dia bisa milih gue? Sedangkan gebetan gue yang dulu muak banget sama gue, padahal sifat mereka sama persis! Apa yang dia liat perbedaan gue dengan cewek cewek lain?

Minder....cemburu....takut...tuhkan ah jadi kepikiran! Kalo minder dan cemburu lo tau kan alesannya kenapa. Kalo takut? Oke mungkin menurut lo "apa sih si risha, sok puitis anjir menjijikan hoeeeek najis kepedean iyalah lo kayak babu" segala macem. Tapi gue cuma satu nih ketakutan gue sama dia.

Gue takut kehilangan dia.

toodles! ,

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

lets here what @RelationForUs says

LAHIR SENIN: periang, memiliki rasa humor yang tinggi, suka berbuat sesuatu yang menyenangkan orang lain

LAHIR BULAN JULI: suka menghayal, pandai bicara dan berotak cerdas, suka menolong sesama

#warnakesukaan KUNING: optimis, periang, senang bergaul, berjiwa sosial

R: membutuhkan seseorang yang dapat sesuai dengan kamu, tidak menunjukan perasaan cinta dengan jujur

PHEONIX (25 juni-24 JULI): optimis, berfikiran positif, mudah beradaptasi, tidak suka keramaian, suka menyendiri

SHIO BABI: teman yang baik, orang yang pinta dengan kebutuhan yang kuat untuk mencapai apapun, toleran dan jujur

LEO: gaya kalian memang unik, itu yang membuat orang-orang merasa beda di dekat kalian

#yangpalingbisadipercaya golongan darah A karena konsisten dan taat hukum

#temanyangdisukai GOL A: tepat waktu dan bertanggung jawab

Kenapa ya agak membuat gue ge-er? Tapi emang sih ada yang bener juga tapi menurut lo gue orangnya gitu ga ya?

toodles! ,

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

old song, but i still love it!

(Best I Ever Had - Drake)

You know a lot of girls be thinkin' my songs are about them
This is not to get confused, this one's for you

Baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted
We can do it real big, bigger than you ever done it
You be up on everything, other hoes ain't never on it
I want this forever, I swear I can spend whatever on it

'Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up
When I get right I promise that we gonna live it up
She make me beg for it till she give it up
And I say the same thing every single time

I say you the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the best I ever had, best I ever had
Best I ever had, best I ever had, I say you the fucking

Know you got a roommate, call me when it's no one there
Put the key under the mat, and you know I'll be over there
I'll be over there, shawty, I'll be over there
I'll be hitting all the spots that you ain't even know was there

Ha and you all ain't even have to ask twice
You can have my heart or we can share it like the last slice
Always felt like you was so accustomed to the fast life
Have a nigga thinking that he met you in a past life

Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on
That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong
You don't even trip when friends say you ain't bringin' Drake along
You know that I'm working, I'll be there soon as I make it home

And she a patient in my waiting room
Never pay attention to them rumors and what they assume
And until them girls prove it
I'm the one they never get confused with

'Cause baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted
We can do it real big, bigger than you ever done it
You be up on everything, other hoes ain't never on it
I want this forever, I swear I can spend whatever on it

'Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up
When I get right I promise that we gonna live it up
She make me beg for it till she give it up
And I say the same thing every single time

I say you the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the best I ever had, best I ever had
Best I ever had, best I ever had, I say you the fucking

Sex, love, pain, baby, I be on that tank shit
Buzz so big, I could probably sell a blank disk
When my album drop, bitches will buy it for the picture
And niggas will buy it too and claim they got it for they sister

Magazine, paper, girl, but money ain't the issue
They bring dinner to my room and ask me to initial
She call me the referee 'cause I be so official
My shirt ain't got no stripes but I can make your pussy whistle

Like the Andy Griffith theme song
And who told you to put them jeans on
Double cup love, you the one I lean on
Feeling for a fix then you should really get your fiend on

Yeah, just know my condo is the crack spot
Every single show she out there reppin' like a mascot
Get it from the back and make your fucking bra strap pop
All up in yo slot until the nigga hit the jackpot

Baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted
We can do it real big, bigger than you ever done it
You be up on everything, other hoes ain't never on it
I want this forever, I swear I can spend whatever on it

'Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up
When I get right I promise that we gonna live it up
She make me beg for it till she give it up
And I say the same thing every single time

I say you the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the best I ever had, best I ever had
Best I ever had, best I ever had

I say you the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the best I ever had, best I ever had
Best I ever had, best I ever had

Uh, uh yeah, see this the type of joint
You got to dedicate to somebody
Just make sure they that special somebody
Young Money
Ya, ya, you know who you are, I got you

toodles! ,

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

cie curhat

alah bingung gue mau ngasih judulnya apaan hmmm ga penting kan ya? yaudah skip. masa masa masa tadi semaleman gue ga tidur (bangga) sumpah ga ngantuk sama sekali dari kamar aja gue denger nyokap gue sahur, ngitungin bolak balik kamar mandi, denger suara azan, aduh berasa malaikat deh gue ga tidur (najis ini norak banget)

eh eh malem ini bb gue balik loh n.n TAPI.....ini ada tapinya ya
1)bb gue masih garansi, jadi ganti UTUH dan tipe SAMA
2)ganti pin (ini agak mengiris hati) soalnya di belakang pin gue ada terselip nama gebetan gue dulu ehe heh norak
3)CONTACT ILANG! ini yang paling penting soalnyaaaaa ada nomer dylan, cuma itu satu satunya cara buat gue bisa berhubungan. udah ilang. wassalam. jangan harap bertemu kembali T.T
4) NOTES ILANG! ini lebih nyesek puruh, masalahnya banyak chatlog, ADA CHATLOG SAMA ADIT INSOMNIA YANG PANJANGNYA NAUJUBILE, ada ada PUISI! oke yang pusisi gue ga nulis ya tapi kan si you know who ngasih ke gue huhu ilang deh, maaf ya :( ada 2 sih satu gue hafal satu kagak heheh oke gapenting

ah bete tapi sekaligus seneng akhirnya setelah 1,5 minggu penantin bb gue kembali ke genggaman n.n ini gue apa apaan deh make emoticon --> n.n mulu dari kemaren wkwkw abis kocak aja n itu matanya kayak seneng banget trus mulunya mengkrucut.....oke sha ga lucu

dan sekarang liburan ini kenapa ya gue merasa gada perubahan? ya muka sama rambut sih berubah ---> ada bekas luka + RAMBUT EMOH! YOU RAWKKKK \m/ oke e-nuff tapi perutku ini loh, kalo bediri biasa sih rata tapi kalo duduk...ga jamin deh gue. padahal udah nyoba olahraga kecil, ga ngemil, makan besar cuma 1 kali sehari lainnya makan seiprit, minum ampe 5 pitcher sendiri tapi sama aja tuh. kasian ya gue perut karet makan dikit langsung melar. ya mending melarnya di tete nah ini di pantat! suatu tempat yang tidak pernah gue harapkan. karena....ga imbang dong gedean pantat tapi tete gue tepos??? oke cukup frontal menyebutkan anggota tubuh disini tapikan ceritanya mau curhat

mhhh mhhh mhh mhhh apa apaan kayak orang ngeden, gue mau ngapain ya sekarang? hmm bingung. ah sumpah gue pengen liburan kek tapi ke PANTAI ya plisplisss pasti di bali banyak bule aussie soalnya disana kan winter pasti mau tanning disini n.n tuhkan emoticonnya ah ayolah kita ke bali. gue sih pengennya geng cabul ke bali, terus gausah tanning juga udah gosong kwkwkw miris sekaleh. okelah cukup untuk curcolnya

toodles! ,