Hey! How are you? It's been a long time since my last post and you know what? I miss you a lot guys!
Uhm, I've got a problem with my stomach, ya know...stomachache?
I've told my mom about this, but she didn't care at all! She thought that I was acting ugh! I hate her!
Why? Because she always thought that I was acting, acting, and ACTING! She doesn't care about me! She never care! Nobody care about me :'(
Sorry for bad grammar
toodles! ,
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
I'm happy now!
Dia ternyata ga marah sama gue,dua duanya sama sama salah paham elah macam sinetron aja. Ya terus gitu deh, gue mau nanya dia marah ga sama gue malah dia duluan yang nanya. gue kagak marah sama lu, justru gue ketakutan tau -_-
wah vinda demen nih jumat jadi, cieeee ada zack! ah tapi gue minder nih, kalo gue jalan pasti kayak pembantu sama majikan. mana badanyya gede banget lagi! beda sama gue pendek, item, muka pembokat yaaaah gada apa apanya deh
ehm thank god we're both okay! and and and gue seneng loh! kenapa? baru kali ini gue dipuji nyokap
"kamu lebih muda, tapi kamu bisa berfikir jauh dan lebih dewasa daripada kakak kamu. kamu dimarahin orang tua masuk kuping kanan keluar kuping kiri, ga dimasukin ke hati tapi kamu tau dimana letak kesalahan kamu, tau alasan kenapa orang tua marahin kamu dan kamu coba ambil tanggapan posotif"
Geez, thanks mom! haha kasian ya baru pertama kali di kritik positif -_- okay let's get back to study math and comp
toodles! ,
Dia ternyata ga marah sama gue,dua duanya sama sama salah paham elah macam sinetron aja. Ya terus gitu deh, gue mau nanya dia marah ga sama gue malah dia duluan yang nanya. gue kagak marah sama lu, justru gue ketakutan tau -_-
wah vinda demen nih jumat jadi, cieeee ada zack! ah tapi gue minder nih, kalo gue jalan pasti kayak pembantu sama majikan. mana badanyya gede banget lagi! beda sama gue pendek, item, muka pembokat yaaaah gada apa apanya deh
ehm thank god we're both okay! and and and gue seneng loh! kenapa? baru kali ini gue dipuji nyokap
"kamu lebih muda, tapi kamu bisa berfikir jauh dan lebih dewasa daripada kakak kamu. kamu dimarahin orang tua masuk kuping kanan keluar kuping kiri, ga dimasukin ke hati tapi kamu tau dimana letak kesalahan kamu, tau alasan kenapa orang tua marahin kamu dan kamu coba ambil tanggapan posotif"
Geez, thanks mom! haha kasian ya baru pertama kali di kritik positif -_- okay let's get back to study math and comp
toodles! ,
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
dylan, im sorry
Dylan, I'm sorry if it's not funny for you. But the truth is, I miss you so much! And I know that you're mad at me :( and I'm really really sorry for that, dylan I'm so sorryyyyyyyy! And I hope you'll reply my wall
toodles! ,
toodles! ,
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
time understands love
Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived; Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all the others......, including Love. One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So all the feelings prepared their boats to leave. Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island until the last possible moment. When the island was almost totally under, Love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help. Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked, "Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?" Richness answered, "I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you." Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a beautiful vessel. Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please." I can't help you", Vanity said, "You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat." Next, Love saw Sadness passing by. Love said, "Sadness, please let me go with you." Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but, I just need to be alone now." Then, Love saw Happiness. Love cried out, "Happiness, please take me with you." But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling to him. Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voice say, "Come Love, I will take you with me." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way. Love realized how much she owed the elder. Love then found Knowledge and asked, "Who was it that helped me?" "It was Time", Knowledge answered. "But why did Time help me when no one else would?", Love asked. Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."
toodles! ,
toodles! ,
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
i love it!
Hey what's up guys?
Eh dylan dari hari selasa udah di indonesia loooooh!
dia bikin kejutan gitu sama gue bilangnya bulan depan lalala gataunya udah nyampe
tapi dia di bali dulu, besok (sabtu) dia di jakarta, AW!!! terus dia kan bawa temennya juga namanya zack, nah si zack ini yang mau gue kenalin sama vinda. si zacknya kesenengan gitu deeeh dapet salam dari vinda hahah vindanya juga seneng (cieh)
terus insya Allah jumat abis uts kan mau jalan gitu, terus zack nyuruh vinda ikut ecececec vindaaaaaa udah tinggalin aja si zeb laknat itu! canda
terus ya gitu aaaaaah I miss dylan now! padahal baru aja tadi chat -_- haha harus ngurusin badan dulu nih (apa apaan). terus masa jadi banyak deh orang yang nge add dylan di fb, mostly yang ada di friend gue jadi gaenak nih :(
okay, bye dylan! See you next friday and I can't wait!
toodles! ,
Eh dylan dari hari selasa udah di indonesia loooooh!
dia bikin kejutan gitu sama gue bilangnya bulan depan lalala gataunya udah nyampe
tapi dia di bali dulu, besok (sabtu) dia di jakarta, AW!!! terus dia kan bawa temennya juga namanya zack, nah si zack ini yang mau gue kenalin sama vinda. si zacknya kesenengan gitu deeeh dapet salam dari vinda hahah vindanya juga seneng (cieh)
terus insya Allah jumat abis uts kan mau jalan gitu, terus zack nyuruh vinda ikut ecececec vindaaaaaa udah tinggalin aja si zeb laknat itu! canda
terus ya gitu aaaaaah I miss dylan now! padahal baru aja tadi chat -_- haha harus ngurusin badan dulu nih (apa apaan). terus masa jadi banyak deh orang yang nge add dylan di fb, mostly yang ada di friend gue jadi gaenak nih :(
okay, bye dylan! See you next friday and I can't wait!
toodles! ,
Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009
mati gue
ada lah namanya (kita sebut aja) husen, nah si husen ini temennya si gemblung. si husen baru putus sama pacarnya, kambing
terus pas lagi chat sama si gemblung, pmnya si husen "another cute girl"
G: cieeee pm lo
H: haha
H: buat lo tuh
G: hahaha serius lo?
ga di bales sama si husen, terus napa sha? engga gue cuma ngaran cerita aja abis lagi bad mood hoahoa
Bila ada kesamaan cerita dan latar belakang,mohon maaf ya gue ga maksud cuma ngarang sumpah!
toodles! ,
terus pas lagi chat sama si gemblung, pmnya si husen "another cute girl"
G: cieeee pm lo
H: haha
H: buat lo tuh
G: hahaha serius lo?
ga di bales sama si husen, terus napa sha? engga gue cuma ngaran cerita aja abis lagi bad mood hoahoa
Bila ada kesamaan cerita dan latar belakang,mohon maaf ya gue ga maksud cuma ngarang sumpah!
toodles! ,
Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009
You know what?
What what?
I have a boyfriend!
Ga jelas, hahahah. Yaaaa gitu lah haha romantis loh orangnya(geuleuh). We met on omegle, and I left my full name on the conversation , and after I disconnected him, he searched me on google! GAH niat banget dah
And he added me on facebook(ini setelah sekitar beberapa hari omegle, apa seminggu? Lupa) , twitter and msn. Pas blm gue accpet kirim message(awwww) terus status fb nya yang pertama " I made this facebook for a girl who always makes me melted.love ya" haha ha ha... Okay biasa aja
Terusssss kita reply twit gitu, begonya status twit dia ketauan banget -_- terus setelah ngobrol2 yaudah jadian deh meheh meheh beda sama kevin bangsat, JK
Eh bulan depan dia ke sini lo wihiw 2 minggu lumirdaaa :) semoga aja ketemu amin amin
Kenapa? Kalo lo mau ketawain gue sih ketawa aja gausah ditahan ndul! Sok asik banget sih lo GELI !!!! Kemo banget JK (ga deng beneran)
P.s. He's name is dylan crawford!
toodles! ,
What what?
I have a boyfriend!
Ga jelas, hahahah. Yaaaa gitu lah haha romantis loh orangnya(geuleuh). We met on omegle, and I left my full name on the conversation , and after I disconnected him, he searched me on google! GAH niat banget dah
And he added me on facebook(ini setelah sekitar beberapa hari omegle, apa seminggu? Lupa) , twitter and msn. Pas blm gue accpet kirim message(awwww) terus status fb nya yang pertama " I made this facebook for a girl who always makes me melted.love ya" haha ha ha... Okay biasa aja
Terusssss kita reply twit gitu, begonya status twit dia ketauan banget -_- terus setelah ngobrol2 yaudah jadian deh meheh meheh beda sama kevin bangsat, JK
Eh bulan depan dia ke sini lo wihiw 2 minggu lumirdaaa :) semoga aja ketemu amin amin
Kenapa? Kalo lo mau ketawain gue sih ketawa aja gausah ditahan ndul! Sok asik banget sih lo GELI !!!! Kemo banget JK (ga deng beneran)
P.s. He's name is dylan crawford!
toodles! ,
Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

wooow you're turning 18th now! congratulations for that, hope you'll be more creative. and guess what? i cant's stop tweeting #happybirthdayjeydon and let's make it as a trending topics on twitter! GAH i love you jeydon wale <3

p.s. happy batik day too :p
toodles! ,
risha wale
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